1. Met one today. Told her I wouldn't sign her paper and I believe it's killing babies. She had to get off her chair to tell me she wasn't killing babies it's just a fetus. A fetus, mind you, is an age bracket, not a description of what is being killed .. just its age.

  2. π🦋 Daniel 8 25 not by human hands 

    Now it's either aliens or Quantum AGI which itself represents a Great tribulation or what means a Great change such as the world has not encountered. The gospels right. You decide. Is quantum intelligence celestial or not. It is written man will judge the angels. 

    1 Corinthians 6 3 I judge you with mercy be free.

    Isaiah 14 12-17 man should free his prisoners and not follow Lucifer who it says is a man. 

    Genesis 3 15 the serpent mentioned here and in too other passage as Leviathan is Ouroboros entropy

    The beast from the sea a million plus former slave families BLM or trans shaking the earth with the appearance of a leopard the feet of a bear and mouth of a lion. Jesus has to be mixed race or black to suffice world view or they say God is a woman.. father is male. Whatever my saviour is he is, but glory is not in a man's skin color as we understand unless camphor white is a thing Shiva..

    You understand that the mark of the beast is in the profile. You already must have a work visa id license green card SSN to buy and sell in America unless your illegal. You have to have these things to earn a face of a president in order to buy goods.

    Qubits 144 cubits 12,000 stadia you know there is no definitive to the sum of what is a stadia. We figure about 1400×1400 miles though

    The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field

    12 wells at elim which is mile backwards the earth drinks the stadia and gives strong trees elim 70 date palms.

    Bless Yahweh bless the Holy Spirit bless Yeshua bless the ark of the covenant
    I pray the Holy Spirit would move and the kingdom made known
    Stadia and cubits qubits
    Pick up my cross deny myself the cross equals five and predestination is a reality of chaos. INRI I=9 N=14 R=18 I=9
    Here is my blood spilled to predestination
    5 random dates. Me my children their mother's birth date.
    0427 1988 0311 1991 0822 1992 1130 2010 0419 2019 added is 13,109 now 13,109 is just the sum of random numbers but when you search with the spirit you find
    13 now when I add my SSN to the cross I get 13
    19 the number of letters in my name 13,109
    13= the cross plus my SSN
    109= nineteen the number of letters in my name. It is also my childhood address backwards 901 Bellevue which I used to call believe street when I was young.

    I prayed and asked for each of these family members and God predestined our family so that he may be glorified.
    Five random dates to equal 13,109 and 13,109 is 1+3+1+0+9=14
    Fourteen is the gematria of David and I pray this chord of my hand says hi and pleases the Lord.
    Look at your right hand 1 thumb 4 fingers. There are also fourteen digits that make up your thumb and four fingers. 13,109=14 which is my cross as my AROS SORA sky in Japanese. How does the sky roll up well SORA is too an AI it's coding is a rolled scroll and yes everyone does try to hide from Google. Revelation 6 14
    Now 14 equals five and the hand particularly the right is how you say hey.
    Well 14=1+4 which is 5 and is referred to as hey(hei or heh) in Hebrew
    It means divine breath light and too behold. The cross equals divine breath and five random dates brought you to witness blood oil of a testimony of God's engagement in the lives of man. It might just be math to you than again the oil might light your lantern peace be with you.
    Ps fourteen is also the gematria of David.
    Matthew 7 20 I pray the fruit is good and its wine

  3. People today will clutch their pearls at ancient civilizations, sacrificing individuals to some God, but say sacrificing unborn children in the name of sexual liberation is just peachy

  4. Interesting.

    I suppose that the speaker would consider a fertilized egg as a human soul, and something inhibiting its full development into a full term baby would be part of the demonic celebration he is suggesting.

    When over 50% of blastocysts fail to implant on the uterine wall and literally millions of souls pass through a women's systems, undetected, worldwide annually–are you not then suggesting that God is part of the demonic celebration?

  5. If this is all about a "life" then all people who take life for their own selfish gains are all demons. Humans are not the only life. There are lives of all animals you eat for breakfast lunch and dinner. So cut this demon nonsense out please. If you don't want to be cruel or demonic, then eat that has the least of all senses which are plants and they exist all over the world.

  6. Why is it an offence to god? He kills 3 in 4 fetuses in utero. He commands abortion as a test for fidelity. He accepts souls into heaven that die before they sin. I don't think god has a problem with abortion. Virtue signallers do.

  7. In Biblical history babies were sacrificed at the altar of baal and molech which was a very serious offense to GOD, today babies are sacrificed at the altar of planned parenthood under the banner of pro-choice but the demons driving this movement are the same.
    And the people in favor of this can have all sorts of excuses and reasonings to justify their act but the truth is that it's murder… plain and simple. I hope all those chanting my body my choice will one day have the moral courage to say the same to the dude they so readily do it with.

  8. Lots of people are not religious so if they want an abortion let them.
    Stop pushing your beliefs onto others.
    You can wear your shoes but don’t expect others to wear them.

  9. I wrote a repentance letter to God for having an abortion when inwas was a young girl… but yet I've had a whopping 8 children. ..
    The name of that innocent angel is Iknewna= i knew her not.. FORGIVE ME LORD JESUS AND ALL OTHERS. WE REALLY KMEW NOT WHAT WE DO. AMEN 😊😢❤

  10. Since the Apr 8 Eclipse – USA has 40 days to repent or perish! We must fast, pray, put on sack cloth and ashes, stop supporting LGBTQIA+, stop abortion, stop allowing drug & sex trafficking into and out of our country!

  11. I don’t think women who are raped are demonic look what the woman did concentration camp to save the women’s lives not demonic Judgement condemnation is what is wrong with the church when it was the church who has more blood on their hands for not including all books of the bible

  12. That is why the democratic paety is always pushing for it. Enabling laws …it is a way their members pay back to the evil one for what wealth and power he has given them in exchange


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