Curry Blake ministered at Spirit Word House in 2017. This is a recording of one of the sermons during his Healing Seminar and …


  1. John Lake said that receiving gift of tongues (spirit) provides power needed to serve effectively. The disciples were told to wait for this and it would come, to continue in prayer till it came. Something else John said and did was to be consecrated. To be holy as He is holy is to be separated for a purpose, consecration is set apart for service.

  2. Curry talks of the Holy Ghost merely Residing in saints, but I believe that after Receiving sonship, we are Allowed to Receive Him as the PRESIDENT WITHIN OUR LIVES, in the Precious, Powerful, Awesome NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. ❤❤❤😊😊😊❤❤❤

  3. Since I’m ABIDING IN CHRIST, and HIS MUSICALLY TRANSLATED/ TRANSCRIPTED WORD PRESIDES WITHIN ME, I’m thanksgivingly asked whatever I desire, and that which I’m thanked for, is most assuredly been imparted unto me. 2COR 5:17&18. ❤❤❤😮😮😮❤❤❤

  4. Bro curry this is one of the best messages I have heard you preach if not the best one. I am moved and just want to do what God has reminded me through this message. I pray that God keep you longer and remain until He returns.

  5. I believe that to be used by our God Almighty, we first must know Jesus and have that one on one intimate relationship with Him.
    Where Jesus will teach us the things of His Spirit.
    Because there must be a transformation period that all those who desire to be used to glorify Jesus.
    We need to be purified from the things in this world so that we are empty of ourselves.
    Having been disciplined so that we are living in a new mindset so that our vessel can be filled to overflowing with the power of our God, its then one will stand firm in all circumstances.
    Really to be healed is so good, but to gain eternal life with Jesus is far greater.
    What is the point of being healed, but not being transformed is death forever.

  6. Many will come in my name and preform many miracles, I consider raising the dead a miracle.
    The Christ spoke in parables, I am the way the TRUTH and the life.
    Ye hypocrites if you would have loved the TRUTH ye would have loved ME
    If you deny me (the TRUTH) before men, I will deny you before my Father in heaven (who says he cannot lie)
    It says to test the spirits to see if they’re of God who cannot lie duh!
    We know the difference between a truth and a lie, right and wrong!
    I was taught the Bible is full of contradictions on purpose to test the minds and hearts of men.
    When you take the three religious commands out of the Ten Commandments, it leaves you with SEVEN common sense, universal laws the world can agree on.
    If you believe he is Lord you best believe you better keep the other three!
    It is written I am the alpha and the omega the first and the last.
    Alpha is the 1st letter of the Greek alphabet and omega is the last and 24th letter. 1+24=25 and then 2+5=7.
    You know throughout the Bible 7 is used.
    The letter difference between TORAH and HARLOT is the letter L, flip the L around it looks like a 7:

    Moses broke the Ten Commandments, it’s written he commanded his soldiers to murder all the male babies and to take the virgins alive for themselves after murdering their people!
    He also wrote the Torah!
    Committing adultery with the harlot?!!
    You know how many filthy xians have justified murdering babies and kidnapping someone’s virgins daughters yet call a gay person a pervert who’s going to hell 😡🤬.
    It’s written Justice is the foundation of God’s throne!
    Is it Just to forgive liars, murderers, thieves, adulterers, pedophiles, rapists and satanists washed in the blood of the lamb but if the gay guy doesn’t break up with the love of their life and pray the gay away they’re going to be eternally tormented?!
    The devil is a thief and a liar!
    What is a thief?
    ADULTERY…stealing your promise from your spouse.
    LYING…stealing someone’s truth
    MURDER…stealing someone’s life.
    SLAVERY…stealing someone’s free will.
    RAPE…stealing someone’s consent
    MOLESTATION…stealing someone’s innocence.
    SLANDERING…destroying someone’s reputation.
    What is not a thief?
    Good is LOVE
    Anyone who proclaims that Bible has no contradictions in it is a compulsive liar and a hypocrite.

  7. Thank you my Father for sending your Word to heal me that I also lay my hands on the sick and healed, also I receive the blessings, to be a blessing in Christ Jesus Name Amen ❤

  8. Jesus didn’t teach His disciples how to get their needs met….
    He taught them that in ministering to the needs of others, the Father would provide for them and meet their needs.

    “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things SHALL BE added unto you.”

  9. 5:01



    11:58 the eyes of the Lord go to and fro through the whole earth to show HIMSELF strong ON BEHALF OF THOSE WHOSE HEART is LOYAL to HIM.


    14:19 who God is, Yahweh Rapha.
    God tells all of His names. Yahweh Jireh

    15:42 the child went past the Father and went into the arms of a doctor.

    I want to be that to them but they keep running to other people.

    Run past the Father for a bank for a loan.

    Yahweh Shalom –

    The one name that wraps it all up is El Shaddai the God of more than enough.

    16:40 All breasted one, where child gets all of their sustenance.

    It's only easier if you have not prepared ahead of time.

    God wants you to be the miracle to miracle.

    17:27 to live in the Blessing of God.

    My faith in Him as healer is strong. I can have faith for others. And don't have to use my faith to get me healed.

    Be prepared ahead of time.

    18:07 they live life every day as if they are going to get a call to deploy.
    Power rod a gift from God.

    19:37 Power doesn't fall from heaven onto the person lay hands on. Power pours out of your spirit.

    I will pour out my spirit on all flesh.

    20:11 Out of His Spirit, that Spirit in us.

    21:34 how does righteousness by faith talk.

    Righteousness by faith does not say.

    22:22 righteousness by faith says power is here.

    22:50 we're not the first Adam.
    We are made after the last Adam.
    God walked with Adam.
    God was in Jesus.

    God doesn't walk with you. He walks in you.
    If He walks in me I don't need to call Him down.

    When I step over, He steps over.

    Promise of the spirit, the thing He promised Abraham.


    25:45 b b b b

    26:35 already have this one on a card. Choose life and blessing.

    26:39 choose life

    27:59 I don't have to pray for myself bcs I live in blessing. Bcs I follow God. Blessing means you don't have to wait.

    31:18 when I run I feel Gods pleasure.

    Go in the strength of Lord, not by might not by power but by my spirit.

    Move in step with the spirit. Be spirit led.

    32:48 why you're doing what you're doing.
    Gifts are given but character is grown.

    If you abide in me, my words abide in you, you will ask what ever you want in my name it will be done for you. Your prayers answered bcs it glorifies the Father.

    Your prayers answered bcs glorifies the Father. Book of John

    33:27 why would God use me in power?

    Martial arts story.

    36:05 beset trainer moved in.

    Freely give all things

    When Jesus moved in He brought all His stuff with Him.

    37:42 when did Jesus cease being the Christ

    If He moves in He make your house like His house

    I never wonder if I'm anointed.

    40:27 In Him you are complete.

    When He ascended gave gifts.

    43:40 baby is complete. Thanks

    Maturity is learning what you've already got.

    46:39 5 fold ministry

    God supplies all my need.

    48:19 all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.
    Now you go, in His name.

    When you use that badge then all of heaven backs you up.

    48:59 the more faithful you are the more authority you get, no this is not true.

    49:51 it's not about how perfect you live. How much money you gave. When you do it in His name who has all authority. All of heaven backs you up.

    50:35 don't limit God. This is a good part here. Come back to.

    Did you just bring us out here to die? Bcs we don't see any food.

    51:41 be a person of faith. When it looks dark blv. Say my God shall supply the way.

    52:05 if you're sick that provision isn't healing. It's Him.

    Romans 8

    53:13 Father I've been having that pain, it's an absence of life.

    55:31 when someone tries to curse you. It's not gonna work. So it's gonna go back onto that person.

    56:08 shield of faith quenches the fiery darts of the wicked one.
    What are those fiery darts? Sickness disease doubts.

    Walking in the blessing the fullness of God.

    What ever you put your hand to is gonna be blessed. Business, people.

    1:01:36 B b b b

    1:03:11 stamp

    He stepped out.

    1:06:57 what you sow you reap, give away what you've got.

    If you want power….

    When you give away what you've got you reap more.

    1:09:35 there is only one who can take the credit that's Jesus.

  10. Bro. Curry (or his associates who read these comments), I love this brother, God has shown me similar things, and unlike many, God has used me in like fashion in many areas. I met our Brother Curry in the back of a large ministry building a few years ago. He might remember our brief meeting.

    At times, God has shown me how to pray concerning what God is leading him into. He has shown me many of the same things and I have seen this manifested in my life and ministry. I can share (not publicly) what God has shown me, how he then started moving in that area. Maybe one day, God willing, we can discuss some of these things.

    Your servant in Christ.

  11. Brother I knew within 5 seconds of you speaking!
    That my heart lept for joy!!!
    A man preaching the Gospel in Spirit and in Truth….
    Stay obedient to the word…
    Be thankful for your chains that you now have, as a slave to Righteousness!!!
    Shalom, Shalom
    bo Ruach Elohim
    New Oil fresh Oil…
    From New Zealand 🇳🇿

  12. I have cancer that has metastasis in my body. Can you pray for healing over me. I have commanded this to leave my body and be gone tumors and that I have no adverse reaction to them leaving. I believe I am healed by his stripes. Diane

  13. Power pours out of our spirit WHAT! POWER comes from THEE spirit the HOLY SPIRIT the spirit of the LORD the Father whom will reside where the Son is. Our spirit has nothing to do with it our spirit is DEAD without GOD'S spirit…

  14. But true christians have received Jesus authority in that it is our authority just like with power and faith and His name, that’s why Jesus said your faith has healed you. So it is my authority that God has given me, so it is still mine that i can use at free will. I and God are one.

  15. I wish I knew all this when I was growing up. Pastor Blake, I thank God for making me discover your teaching on YouTube. I follow and practice what I learn from you. I had 2 cases of healing within a month and those people brought it to my attention. I’m your invisible student. God is good


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