Plastic Man by Jack Cole in Police Comics is pretty cool. #PlasticMan #OldComicBookReview.


  1. I was an enormous Plastic Man fan as a boy. A huge, huge fan. He was the only superhero I loved. Cole was a complicated, brilliant man. Cole put a lot of himself in Eel O'brien and Plastic Man. His illustrations are beautiful and fun, full of whacky shit. Nobody was doing stuff like this back in the 40s, mixing comedy and action like that. Nobody has understood the character in the 70 years since, and all subsequent versions of the character have had a flat affect and have been unsuccessful. I don't really think anyone can do it other than Cole at this point. Perhaps Plas died along with him when he took his own life. Thx for the review, I'm sure that I'm Plastic Man's biggest fan at this point lol.


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