Pitching Love and Catching Faith – Heather an attractive, competitive, softball player, sweet and sassy-who is used to winning…but …


  1. We do Not accept ppl for who they are( flesh), Messiah said repent! We follow the spirit not the flesh and we bring forth cleansed alters for the sacrifice, which is the fruit to show the repentance!
    He does not accept lukewarm lawless people. He will spew them from His mouth!

  2. The desire to be righteous comes from a circumcised heart.
    If my animal fell into your hole then how do you love me? The Holy laws are how to love, how to restore and make amends. He will not accept you and your gift if you do not make amends.

  3. Not really a good male lead… the character is sadly self-righteous and frankly rude… WWJD???… he would't have made the young lady feel rejected and 'unclean'… it's just a movie but not one I liked.

  4. This story takes me back in time of memories of my dear John kieth many years ago. I'm 59 years old now and come June 11th I'll turn 60 years old This year, you see, I loved him because he loved me first; I remember are first kiss in junyor high school, after he protected me from two bullys that were boys that I knew. My John saved me from them and gave them a good lesson for laying their hands on me. Some day I hope to tell my story of my dear John. My mom and dad moved us away after I graduated junyor high school, which was the worst year of my life having to leave my best friend Lori, and saying goodbye to John. His heart was broken as well as mine, I never forgot him,and he he never forgot me, so much so that he didn't date anyone, because he was waiting on me to come back; I did come back in hopes of seeing John while I am visiting my best friend Lori, but she was not the day I drove out to surprise her, but I did see John, or should I say he saw me first, he spotted me first and yelled to me saying; Diane !!! Is that you ?? !!! And I turned around and said, who wants to know ?? And he said, someone who loves you !!! We talked for a a short time because my dad did not that I drove to our old town to visit, so I had to get back home before getting in big trouble with my dad, because my dad checked the miles I drove for the day and that means every day. Before John and I parted that day before we said goodbye; we had our second kiss, and became the last. My John passed away of brain cancer; we never got to come together ❤ to this day I still hurt and miss him, but I know that I will see him again in the kingdom of heaven. I gave you all the border line story of John and I, but maybe I can tell the hole story someday; the moral of this story is that he was faithful to me until the end of his life,and I will always love him until the end of mine ❤ 💙

  5. I understand the cite values of his conviction but its just not connecting realistically. Its senseless the plotting & always misleading when they meet & not standing still to be close & move seal the deal & move on as i should be to a commitment.

  6. The movie has questions:. Without the KISS, 1} how can you tell if the two persons has feeling to one another? 2} why reacting to bother an explanation while they're NOT together? 3} what is the greatest best better of INTO relationship to make understanding of feeling?
    The movie has the great example of WAITING version.

  7. I would have liked his first kiss to have been after he married her because then it would be more certain, in my opinion, that she was the woman he loved. Also, refusing to sacrifice one's values and morals is not being self-righteous nor judgmental. Why should someone be expected to go down to someone else's level as opposed to that person rising up to their level? Also, the Bible says not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. I would not want to be in a relationship with a man who did not want to thank God for the food before eating. It doesn't matter how we feel — God is always worthy to be thanked and praise.

  8. 🤔🤔 I remembered Hosea though.. Atleast God could demonstrate in their union (Hope it was the end of Movie-Marriage) on How God could amazingly love us despite the fact that were totally sinful and helpless.. We really need a savior! Jesus ☺️

  9. Women always say they want this, but they end up ACTUALLY leaving or passing theese men by for something else and then pay for it. I’ve been the honest , loving emotional guy all my life and ladies , you definitely say that’s what you want but do the opposite of what you say. I’m not speaking on every woman , obviously that’s not correct but I definitely see that , more exciting, more sensual, stimulating, eye catching, MONEY-MAKING, attention giving… that’s where women end up going…


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