"Peterson Will Become Christian" w/ Dr. Peter Kreeft

Full Episode: https://youtu.be/SIIiVz_t5VA Matt asks Peter Kreeft what it was like being interviewed by Jordan Peterson on his …


  1. Totally agree with his last statement. I think anyone who loves and values truth and is willing to put one’s ego and entire worldview behind in search for real truth will inevitably become Catholic.

  2. He will never become an actual Christian in the way you all think. Why? Because he formulates how he thinks based on the thinkers of the enlightenment. Translation? If he can't prove it, he will not accept it. So unless he decides to stop thinking the way he does, which would then lead him to a point where he is no longer making the same styles of arguments he currently is making that has garnered him so much fame, then don't hold your breath. The man is an agnostic who believes that the Bible can bring good to people's lives. Anyone who claims he will one day believe in God is asking him to stop thinking how he thinks.

  3. Matt Fradd, please speak out regarding the sex abuse coverup scandal at Franciscan University regarding Fr. David Morrier and the lack of any real response from the university itself. As Catholics, we need to hold one another accountable when a grave evil is committed, and their inaction to admit to their own coverup is highly concerning. Please, Matt. You have the platform to make this known, and to do the right thing.

  4. I love JP and too pray for his conversion. He's certainly a brilliant intellect, far beyond a simpleton like me, but even I can see he needs to let go and trust God, to fall into Being. He's so intellectual that it's like his mind gets in his way. Again, he's 100x the man I'll ever be, but I can see that trap as I fell into it for many years before being humbled by life and realising God had my back all the time, I was just too intellectually prideful and trying to work everything out

  5. I feel a kinship with the notion of Truth he discusses here and totally agree with him. If you genuinely want to know the Truth and be honest there is only one outcome. Jesus says I am the way the Truth and the Life.

  6. New age "Christian" maybe, Catholic- I don't think so, at least not so soon. He embedded himself deeply into New Age "Christianity" where Christ is only an archetype, an image that can save us in a way that inspires us to change so then we become our own saviour and hero of our story. Catholic Church clearly stated that Jung's philosophy is anti-Catholic, yet Peterson is all about Jung. If he would proclaim that Jesus Christ is his Lord, he would lose a lot of his followers from other religions, something that he explicitly said is more important to him. I think fame and people who worship him got in his head in a sense that he saved a lot of people's lives (which is admirable) but without Christ, and despite that some people converted to some form of Christianity because of his works, I'm not sure it is truly what Christianity is about.
    The way he speaks about Christ
    imply that people don't need Christ as a Lord Saviour but as a good story that will inspire you to become your own "god", and Peterson is here to the rescue. He preaches false catholicism and stated that he doesn't plan to convert.

  7. Pope Benedict XVI said that the Christian faith is a historical fact; if it is not a historical fact we should not believe in it. The last step for Jordan Peterson now is to become convinced that the Christian faith is a historical fact. If that happens he will become a Christian.


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