People Tell A Pastor Why They Don't Believe In God

Is God Real? …


  1. I wish all Christians were gentle and kind like this. That’s how Jesus was so how is it better for you to throw Christianity in people’s faces? It doesn’t make sense. (coming from a Christian)

  2. When she said there was devil on one shoulder and got on the other I know exactly what she’s talking about the day I decided to get baptized was because the devil was screaming so loud at me in my head telling me why I shouldn’t or couldn’t get baptized and then god spoke so softly to me in the other ear and even though the devil was so loud I could hear god soo clearly and he was like what do u choose to follow me or follow him and that day I got baptized and truely started to have faith and listen to god

  3. I'm an atheist I was watching the video and everything was ok two people sharing different thoughts. Untill the pastor ask what would they liked to be prayed for.🤦 I saw it like if the pastor thought they had some issues and they were asking for help for some reason. Like what can happen in order for you to believe in god

  4. As a thiest who’s seen and heard the audible voice of the God who created the universe… who was Atheist her whole life…. I really enjoyed this. It was refreshing to see shared mutual respect and warmth.

    The Spirit of Truth is tangible most people just don’t know how to engage Him or teach people how to. 🙃

    Mediums engage other spirits… why can’t we engage God’s spirit? There are some practical steps to doing so, I just haven’t seen it taught very much.

    Comment me back your thoughts. Would anyone be interested in a practical way to doing this?

  5. My sister in law is Atheist and I used to be atheist. I always tell her God loves her and the moment she wants to learn more about him I'm ready to help her out in her journey, but if she doesn't want to I still love her no matter what because that's what God wants me to do.

  6. I'm 13 an i don't believe in god all that much. My family are just some normal christens nothing special. I only went to church once in my life and we pray before eating every day. But when i started history in we learned about all the beliefs and gods and how the religion started it I realized an thought they were just stories created to justify and explain things they couldn't at the time since that was done before like with the bull in the underground labyrinth causing the ground to shake really just being the island being over top of the techtonic plates. Plus I'm a very technical person so when I took the time to think abt it, it just doesn't line up fully. I'm still open to the possibility of god being real and do pray before eating but deep down i mostly don't believe in it

  7. it upsets me so much that these people just know of what religion has taught them and what they’ve been brought up with which usually causes people to turn away from God because of toxic christians raising their children to feel forced into believing and following Gods law. If you’re reading this please my friend, remember that God loves you so much that he gave up his only son for you to have the freedom of making the choice to trust in him. Amen.

  8. 6:50 “And indeed We have honoured the Children of Adam, and We have carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with At‑Tayyibaat (lawful good things), and have preferred them above many of those whom We have created with a marked preferment”

    [Quran 17:70]


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