1. Father in heaven, breathe upon my life and those you have given me, with your breath of life.Deliver my family from mental health issues, good Lord and my grandfather from Insanity permanently.Even for the elderly, Never Again? I receive this testimony by your grace, Sovereign God in Jesus name, NEVER AGAIN shall we suffer from these.Our joy will be full in Jesus' name.Amen.

  2. Dearest Father,
    I thank you for all you have done for me and still doing for me and my family, thank you for your manifold mercies and preservation and provision for me and family,
    Thank you for 2024, my year of exceeding Great rewards, Father you who confirm the words of your servant and perform the counsel of your messengers I asked that you Lord

    1.Manifest your wisdom and power in and through my life. Cause me to produce supernatural results that will draw men to you. James 1:5, Proverbs 4:7

    2. Let my life and results draw men to you Jesus to receive you as Savior, Lord And Christ. Matthew 5:16.

    3.Encounters and Divine Visitation for members of the Oamen’s household for genuine salvation. 2 Peter 3:9, Joshua 24:15.

    4.Speedy release of Obehi’s Uk document with compensation as he goes for the court hearing on the 22nd of august 2024 and speedy release of Jennifer’s German passport. Hebrews 4:16, I Peter 5:10.

    5.Healing, divine Health and wholeness From depression symptoms, High Blood pressure for me, For mummy, Jennifer and Beckham from Schizophrenia. Isaiah 53:3-5, Matthew 8:17.

    6.Thank you Father for Marital Settlement before my 41st Birthday. Genesis 2:18, Malachi 2:15 Isaiah 34:16.

    7.Supernatural open door and favour for me to go study mental health overseas like you told me. Before the end of 2024. Mathew 7:7, Rev 3:8.

    8. Remember in your mercy The Blessed Mothers, visit them and enable them to conceive this year. Genesis 1:28, Exodus 23:25-26, Genesis 30:22

    9. Show Akhere mercy, in your mercy cause her strip herself of pride give her encounters. Give her directions and guidance and Send her help.

    10. The Top you have destined for the Oamen’s household in your mercy give us grace to attain it.

    Daniel 7:22, Psalms 7:6, Luke 18: 1-7. Psalms 37:-12, Isaiah 54:13. Exodus 23:26. Jeremiah 9:21. Psalms 118:8
    Colossians 4:12.
    Thank You Father🙌

  3. My prayer point is for God to relocate at my place of destiny and give a a better job that change my life in jesus Christ name Amen.break every spirit of delay.oh Lord open doors of finacial and child suport.🙏


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