I was shocked to see what happened. With Joel Osteen, John MacArthur, Justin Peters, John Lowe, Todd Bentley, and Dayna …


  1. The holy Spirit is a person Father manifested now pray in the holy Ghost repent The Lord of lords is come he is exalted God is true amen Isaiah ch 53 God is with us amen Nazareth Aretha goodbye joy victory is won amen ❤

  2. The bible says there will be FALSE prophets not real prophets in these days, anybody who says otherwise is a blasphemer of the word of god and need to repent or hell will be awaiting them

  3. [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. [3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    Hypocrate! this also pertains to YOU TOO!!

  4. This people are wicked, what is funny is they think in their mind is okay, but God does not like to be mock,he knows there heart ,i don't understand how they could go against his will, but God is all powerful, he gave us free will, that is true but if you want to destroy your own life that's great,just don't lie to people in your congregation, that's why many people don't know scripture they are being lie to!

  5. This man whis call himself a pastor Todd is not working for God nor is guided by the Spirit. He is guided by his flesh using his anger isdues on people and using the name of God in vane. Jesus calls us to be gentil compassionate and loving. So how is He going to ask someone to hit someone? And those people laughing! A false prophet!

  6. Tow thumbs up on the man callin Joel osteen out for bein faker than plastic👍🏻👍🏻!!! That dude Joel osteen is only in the preaching ‘business’ to make money. He does not know the Bible!!!

  7. My issue is not with whomever is being confronted at the moment, it's who is the drunk in church service holding the camera, because seriously he's/she's all over the place! There's some ridiculous people teaching bad doctrine for sure, but what's scarier is the ignorance of the audience who saps this nonsense up as the gospel!


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