Have you watched the tv show ‘Lucifer’? I’m ashamed to admit I watched all episodes the entire 1st season, but came away w/an understanding that the writers/producers of the show are attempting to make us FEEL for Lucifer.
I know man hollywood is evil there are alot of people that work there that know that. From what i know there are alot of actors quiting hollywood because of it and i think they should.
When I was a kid I wouldn’t even be able to watch spongebob because Patrick dancing like a stripper, but that’s not nearly as bad as what’s in cartoons nowadays.
Satan hates people, only reason he would get a teenage girl pregnant in the show is to create the anti-christ. In a way I can see this really happening. All these are warning signs.
I wish that there was a way to convince all Christians to pray at the same time for the return of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. Then maybe he would finally return.
I've had enough of all of this extreme perversion. I want Jesus to return!
When I was a child my brother and sisters couldn't wait for the educational Disney's World (1960's). We watch a well founded show based in good morals. Sadly now it has turned in making Demonic films that contradict Christian Principles that founded this United States of America! This Titan is perverted by Liberal Agendas controlled by evil. Let's face it: Satan is attacking our children!
Pastor Signorelli, great perspective. However about Walt Disney, I think you haven't looked deeply enough, because a lot of people say Disney was high up in the Freemasons and his early cartoons have perversion, witchcraft, so much unhealthy stuff. For me, the Holy Spirit showed me how many of the films I grew up with where the children were orphaned and or had no mother in each film. What's that about? Emotional manipulation and preying on orphans. Its very obvious even the old Disney is not a good Disney.
As well, the "Spiral 6" occultic symbol shows up in the Disney film "Moana", not to mention everything from cereal boxes, to corporate logos including Nvidia, Ubisoft, Firaxis Games, and many others. Industry is paving the way for the antichrist, for a time coming when you will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast, this is not a communist NWO, nor a democratic NWO, but it will be a Luciferian World Order.
Unfortunately, if you look at the cartoons when Disney first started, there is subliminal messages in those cartoons. This all started with Disney himself. Research, you’ll find the answers. I’ve been trying to tell people this since the mid-1980s.
I used to watch alot of anime and read manga for many years. But i’ve stopped since i understood that it was demonic and it didn’t align with my faith. Im gonna get rid of all my manga and use the money for something that brings glory to God.
At 64 yrs old i never thought i would see so many males who are Dad's who have no morals, dont care about promiscuity in their children's lives. They dont believe the consequences will be fatal.
Thank you for sharing about this insanity! I shared this video on my channel and with friends and family. The show is disgusting and I hope it will get taken down.
Disney was always full of Occult Satanism, keep the children save from all this LGBT, PRIDE, TRANS, Satanic stuff, keep the son of God Jesus Christ in youre Heart☦❤.
This is disgusting to hear.
"Show about teen getting pregnant by satan" …Doesn't surprise me, it is just getting more and more satanic and dark.
Disney has been Satan's weapon since the very beginning. Dig deep!
This isn't new for Disney they're just upfront with it now. They have been at this for a long time
Walt Disney was a Mason… dig deeper
Have you watched the tv show ‘Lucifer’? I’m ashamed to admit I watched all episodes the entire 1st season, but came away w/an understanding that the writers/producers of the show are attempting to make us FEEL for Lucifer.
Walt Disney was also a 33rd mason
I know man hollywood is evil there are alot of people that work there that know that. From what i know there are alot of actors quiting hollywood because of it and i think they should.
Disney has been apart of the illuminati for a long time, they are just not hiding it anymore
If you haven’t cancelled Disney…. Need I say more ?
I don’t understand why Christians support Disney. He is a free mason of 33 degree. Of course he will promote his lord.
A Jew tried to take Mickey Mouse away from Walt.., Walt did not like Jews.. Research it..!!
When I was a kid I wouldn’t even be able to watch spongebob because Patrick dancing like a stripper, but that’s not nearly as bad as what’s in cartoons nowadays.
Satan hates people, only reason he would get a teenage girl pregnant in the show is to create the anti-christ. In a way I can see this really happening. All these are warning signs.
I wish that there was a way to convince all Christians to pray at the same time for the return of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ. Then maybe he would finally return.
I've had enough of all of this extreme perversion. I want Jesus to return!
Jesus Christ is LORD!!!
Walt Disney was a freemason.
When I was a child my brother and sisters couldn't wait for the educational Disney's World (1960's). We watch a well founded show based in good morals.
Sadly now it has turned in making Demonic films that contradict Christian Principles that founded this United States of America! This Titan is perverted by Liberal Agendas controlled by evil. Let's face it: Satan is attacking our children!
Pastor Signorelli, great perspective. However about Walt Disney, I think you haven't looked deeply enough, because a lot of people say Disney was high up in the Freemasons and his early cartoons have perversion, witchcraft, so much unhealthy stuff. For me, the Holy Spirit showed me how many of the films I grew up with where the children were orphaned and or had no mother in each film. What's that about? Emotional manipulation and preying on orphans. Its very obvious even the old Disney is not a good Disney.
Can’t the whole world wake up about this?! Including Canada!?
Walt Disney was antisemitic and wasnt a good man at all…why would you say that?
As well, the "Spiral 6" occultic symbol shows up in the Disney film "Moana", not to mention everything from cereal boxes, to corporate logos including Nvidia, Ubisoft, Firaxis Games, and many others. Industry is paving the way for the antichrist, for a time coming when you will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast, this is not a communist NWO, nor a democratic NWO, but it will be a Luciferian World Order.
This is the Dark Side mocking Jesus Christ and his Church. Disney has lost whatever it had years ago.
Unfortunately, if you look at the cartoons when Disney first started, there is subliminal messages in those cartoons. This all started with Disney himself. Research, you’ll find the answers. I’ve been trying to tell people this since the mid-1980s.
Always thought that Disney was about family values. Apparently that's not true if they r making these kind of shows and movies. Shame on them !!!.
I have lost respect for Disney. Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave !!!.
they are inspired by the way they live their lives….
Do you know who gos around as a roaring lion seeking who he might devour
More bad news in my life that I hate.
Disney is so much more darker than what people realize but you have to dig deep.
I used to watch alot of anime and read manga for many years. But i’ve stopped since i understood that it was demonic and it didn’t align with my faith. Im gonna get rid of all my manga and use the money for something that brings glory to God.
Can someone fkn give the name
Dark days are not ahead they're already here
Wish you guys would actually touch on what the video title says this is about
My god..i can't even believe this..
If I had Disney+
i would cancell
At 64 yrs old i never thought i would see so many males who are Dad's who have no morals, dont care about promiscuity in their children's lives. They dont believe the consequences will be fatal.
Walt Disney was a pedo not a family man
My boys were banned from watching simsons
Walt Disney was a propagandist and an occultist. Things are just heating up people!
Thank you for sharing about this insanity! I shared this video on my channel and with friends and family. The show is disgusting and I hope it will get taken down.
Disney was always full of Occult Satanism, keep the children save from all this LGBT, PRIDE, TRANS, Satanic stuff, keep the son of God Jesus Christ in youre Heart☦❤.
So…Same old thing. Anyway.