Pastor Set Free from Opioid Addiction

A pastor admits his secret opioid addiction and discovers a freedom he never imagined. ▻ 24/7 PRAYER Call us (toll free) …


  1. "He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." -Prov 28:13
    "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." -James 5:16

  2. I am a Christian and a chronic pain patient. I take pain medication, but I am not addicted, I get no high from my medication, like the pastor. I am dependant on the medication to get out of bed to live my life. Everyone doesn't get high or addicted from the medication, but chronic pain patients are being denied medication because of people dying from illicit fentanyl. Everyone does not become addicted. Only 1% of patients become addicted. People are addicted to food, but they must eat. Each person is different. It is easy to discredit opioid treatment, until you or your loved one gets hurt or sick, and is in so much pain that they pray for Jesus to heal them or take them.

  3. That's how Michael Jackson got addicted. When they gave him morphine when he got his hair got on fire during that Pepsi commercial. And he needed drugs for all that plastic surgery he kept getting.

  4. Before you share your pain, please, please pray about it and ask God to show you who you can share things with. Pray and ask God for wisdom and discernment because not everyone who goes to church or attends bible study belongs to Jesus. There are bad spirits in congregations. Some, may use what you confess to them to hurt you even more deeply. I learned this the hard way because not everyone who says Lord, Lord…. Remember to be on your guard as the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Please make sure you share with someone who is strong in faith and loves Jesus with all their heart! Jesus said you would know them by their fruit. God bless…

  5. I HATE how morphine makes me feel. I was addicted to oxycodone and oxycontin and all of the same things happened to me. I've now been on Suboxone for 8 yrs and I wish SO BAD I could just QUIT taking it and BE DONE and not have to deal with the mental, emotional and physical side effects that I dread SO MUCH. My addiction began after herniating 2 discs in my low back. I NEVER in a million years would have EVER thought I'd have to live being labeled an addict for the rest of my life. BELIEVE ME…'s nothing you EVER want to be labeled as. No matter how much you THINK people understand…..there will always be those out there who JUDGE you and consider you to be WEAK or they'll tell you that your FAITH is weak or that you're not right with God….because if you were….you wouldn't have the struggle of addiction to begin with….I heard it all. I know myself better than anyone (Except God of course) and I know my health has SLOWLY but SURELY been going downhill and I'm just 46 yrs old. I want to be here for my 2 kids so I can see them get married and hopefully have babies of their own one day. I want to be able to enjoy life again without the constant stress of having to depend on specific chemicals to keep me going and/or to help me feel NORMAL. I'm just TIRED of numbing my feelings so I don't have to face the difficulties of life. Please pray for me and for a miraculous healing and for Jesus to remove this cup from me called addiction once and for all….thank you.

  6. I'm happy for him. So, why would that cause him to lose his job as a pastor? It's not like this was any worse than adultery or ANY OTHER activities of many other pastors that I know. If anything, it was a blessing in disguise.


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