DaddyFreeze #FreeTheSheeple #FreeNation.


  1. The issue of marriage and divorce is not a doctrine. Matthew 5:32 19:9, Luke 16:18, 1Cor 7:10-17 27 39.
    There are many other scriptural verses that I can put here, but let's limit the citation to a few. Please let us not be sentimental about this issue. What is God saying about divorce, separation & remarriage?
    The word of God is not outdated, but Yeh and Amen! 2Cor 1:20.
    The global rich men and women are not to be your yardstick. As a true son/daughter of Elohim, your pastors' sinful acts are not to be glorified.
    SIN is SIN!
    We pastors are not your God but are to truly and honestly pilot you in the will of YHWH in the Spirit of HOLINESS through Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
    Shalom Aleikhem

  2. Transparency? Yes. But the Pastor erred when he put the blame on Osinachi for concealing the domestic violence. The church and the tradition are to blame. By concealing the domestic violence, Osinachi was trying to meet a standard expected by the church and tradition, period.

  3. DF for now Paul wife should hold her mouth….as in shut up on cases of divorce she have no wisdom no professional knowledge on marriage issue….that her tweet that went viral show she is a dummy on marital issues.


  5. I am also persuaded that there's no room for divorce in Christianity. It's clear. It's not an age long believe but the truth. The Matthew 19 you quoted is misplaced by you with all humility. But we move….don't have much space to type here. On divorce, you need help to know the mind of God on it.

  6. I'm a UK based family physician and Dr Eneche should have advised immediate medical attention with the very first two symptoms- Chest pain and shortness of breath rather than sitting on such symptoms for weeks before referring her for medical attention. He's a medical Dr and should know better. Those symptoms should warrant immediate medical attention whilst prayers are being said on the corridor.

  7. I completely agree with you that Dr. Enenche possibly did NOT know about prevalent DV. However, the disclosure of someone medical records can be problematic because it is supposed to be treated as strictly confidential

  8. Daddy Freeze. You fall my hand,you no judge this matter well Oga. So you couldn't see lies written all over the "mad dog" preacher abi? e like say Eneche paid all bloggers to push his our lies.

    How can a prominent singer at his church go through so much abuse without his knowledge? Eneche and his wife knew, their suppression of people's lives with their stupid dogma was what killed Osinachi.

    Go watch the interview of Osinachi's family then compare it with Eneche's blatant lies in his paid advert if a response.

  9. Where were your ears? He said the music producer in church and choir knew and none of them were Christi’s enough to warn he senior pastor that the devil was attacking the church from within? Really did they really care about her? None of these so called anointed could do better?

  10. Daddy freeze if she had chest issue is a result of domestic violence, I suffered same similar issues, I left dis man's house I can't even carry heavy loads, even small bucket of water i will start feeling pains in my chest bcos he has used kick blow to finish me I ran away for my life, pls daddy freeze say wat u know, if she has any illment is a result of the abuse. Dats my take on dis

  11. Daddy Freeze you are 100% right here. I am not a fan of any G. O. But what the Pastor said makes sense to me also. And I also agree that the Church should revisit the marriage and divorce question.

  12. Come on. He definitely got hints. He just ignored them. A pastor of his caliber should have a spirit of discernment. When you preach about marriage being inviolable, you have to push the congregation to know about what is going going on. It has been going for years.

  13. You don't have to preempt the autopsy report/outcome. There are always direct and remote causes of death. So let us wait for the investigation and autopsy report. There is also what is called accidental findings, that you found something in an autopsy does not necessarily mean that death was due to that thing, other factors may have played a role.

  14. This video and analysis of yours’ is not just a disappointment but also a disgrace for you. Was the argument here the fact that he did not intervene or assist in seeking Medical help for Osinachi or that he knew about the abuse, the trauma, the hell that she was going through in the hands of that Monster but did nothing as a Pastor, as THEIR Pastor or as a human being to stop it?.
    So according to you, the fact that he can name the different Doctors and hospitals he referred them to, or that he can recite these medical jargons eliminates the fact that he knew what caused the Medical problems in the first place or erases the fact that he knew about the horrible abuse she was going through in the marriage?
    I think you severely miss the point, so please get back in touch with reality, and come back with a video addressing whether he knew or did not know of Osinache’s ordeal in that marriage, and what he did or failed to do as a Pastor, Man of God or whatever they call themselves with regards to her plight.
    If you really truly believe that Osinache was telling her suffering to everyone in church but not her Pastor then I would say that we live in different worlds. Remember, this woman was not an ordinary member of congregation; she was the LEAD choir singer of that Church.
    A beg you guys stop the bull shit games and manipulation when a life has been cut short by evil. The Pastor is protecting himself, his church and consequently his pockets. I don’t know what you are protecting

  15. Pst. Amos Adelokun

    Religion in Africa has become a tool to maneuver people for financial gain. I have seen it but I stood up against the spiritual manipulation and control being exerted on the gullible people who are religiously blinded by doctrines of men. I served as a Pastor in Malaysia RCCG but what I observed was too much financial extortion expected from the Pastors to syphon fund from the parish in order to meet up with the remittance you're to send to the headquarters. I couldn't handle this situation mentally because my background is Baptist before joining RCCG. The parish growth was being measured by the amount of remittance you can send to the HQ. However, Baptist values the growth of churches based on souls won, and increment in the numbers of the church work force. Money comes last. I hope incidents like this indicate the loss of spiritual direction of all this money making worship places called a Church. Marriage is not a death cage… I refute and stand against any form of violence in marriage because is anti-GOD

  16. Freeze, you need to know that there is primary cause of death and secondary cause of death. Beating your wife could lead to forced labour and the end result, death. Please be guided and cautious.


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