Is Pastor Enenche’s apology authentic.


  1. It's not about the lady….it's about us…wrong judgment…
    Lack of discernment….Public fright….poor English…stage fright….Sorry lady…may God grant you courage..and boldness…its life…I'm sorry

  2. He rudely denigrated her and utterly disgraced her. I know that his followers will defend him with, "oh but the Apostle Pau is considered harsh in his writings/speech." And yet the Apostle Paul was nothing like these so called pastors.

  3. She was articulate enough. He could have verified before pulling the woman down. It is God that lifts us up. That was not a chosen servant of God speaking that was an arrogant man thinking he put himself on the pulpit to minister the word of God. The damage is already done. You minister of God represent Jesus Christ on earth. He was full of love and never put any one down. So sad to have inflicted such damage on the esteem and confidence of this woman She clearly stated that she could not complete the six years programme hence the lesser degree for all the hard work she had put in. It is just like what happens with the HNC/HND programs. As Christians we need to be led by the spirit of God in al our actions. May God Forgive us all, we get things wrong but he is a merciful God.Amen🙏


    Even if she was not articulate enough. He said her speaking is incorrect!! God help the church to do this openly to a member in church??. He was abrupt!!

    There was no compassion, tact or Holy Spirit wisdom here. The Holy Spirit gives wisdom for empathetic leadership. Leaders please humble yourself before you do damage to people's self esteem and confidence!!

  5. Pastors are people and he is the shepherd of the flock he has the power and discretion to judge a thing. The man of God has the authority to reprove,correct,and rebuke in righteousness.After the situation was brought to his attention he realized that he had made a mistake, The pastor humbly apologized .What more can he ask for?

  6. My goodness 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

    Why do Pastors treat adults like kids ,address adults like kids!!!!!
    That lady is a mother …

    Are we to blame by elevating them above Christ ?

    The Pastor is Nigerian ,the lady is also Nigerian …neither of them are articulate in English ,trust me

    English isn't the fruit of the spirit…

    Iyo !!!!

  7. Theres actually a BSc in Law. I think the Pastor sisnt apply wisdom but i hope he's learnt his lessons. I dont know who'll be bold enough to stand infront of millions to lie. Its a pity the colonial agenda against our languages and cultures has really worked.


  9. It appears she was coerced into doing a video with the pastor and his wife after receiving backlash from the public for his arrogant behaviour. Where is his love for and humility for mankind.

  10. Ok don't worry GOD wants to change that woman's story. Its all a divine mistake cos GOD cannot also put Pastor Paul Enenche to shame (never). The point is this, the only way the world can know Vera is through the top. If it were to be a small church this news will not trend. Just watch and see. GOD is up to something big for that lady called Vera. She will smile big and also the pastor too.
    The pastor has even apologize

  11. While I do not approve of how she was treated in the Church, what comes to mind is when Eli, the priest, mistakenly thought Hannah was a drunkard at Shiloh when she went to pray for a child.
    She was able to correct the priest and she got her request granted.
    The last yoke of disgrace has been removed from this Lady's life .
    For this issue to make headlines and for this kind of apology to occur, she has finally been set free. May Jesus be praised for her total deliverance. Amen.

  12. He should come to the same platform and apologized to her and the church members.There is one thing that is rampant in men of GOD especially African pastors or church leaders, “arrogance” “pride” I don’t call that apology. Majority of African church members are very timid and intimidated by their leaders. And theses leaders know it. Not proficient in English doesn’t mean u can pass the class or have a degree. Ask the Indian physician in American they know medicine but have strong accent 0 English, But they are the physicians.

  13. Thank you for highlighting that speaking good English does not mean one is intelligent. You even gave examples of prosperous countries that do not use English as official language. These countries are more prosperous than England which many Africans worship their language.

  14. I’m sorry , this was not a public apology, perhaps there was a secret apology , but there also has to be a public one .

    The lady is a lawyer , she can sue for defamation. Why do we subject ourselves to such human control ? Help us Holy Spirit.
    People need to wake up from this spiritual dysfunction. Only God is true and loving and caring and will not treat us like this . She came to give a testimony to glorify God . If she was lying , why not let God deal with her Himself. Since when did God lose the ability to uphold His own name and integrity ?
    I understand there are genuine spiritual fathers and mothers but if any of them ever behaved like this , it will be near impossible for me to carry on acknowledging them as such, especially if they can not have the courage to genuinely apologise and show remorse to the extent to which they embarrassed the person , and then to now subject the person to more emotional torture by asking them to come and front their secret apology ? Why now Africans? God is for every one of us !!!


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