Pastor Jerry Eze Initiation? Bishop Duncan Williams Hand Sword To NSPPD Pastor

Pastor Jerry Eze Initiation? Bishop Duncan Williams Hand Sword To NSPPD Pastor #pastorjerryeze #nsppd …


  1. I had subscribed and followed both Jerry eze last year and J. Selman thus year. Just thus evening the 11th of December 2022 around 8pm, I was in my kitchen cooking when an alert came in from J. Selman. The video title was.. SIN CANNOT TAKE YOU TO HELL… Go check it out today today. I was immediately troubled in my spirit and i thought immediately to unfollow him cos thats how false teachings start but then i wanted to guve him the benefit of the doubt so I clicked on the video to hear exactly what he meant by that statement. He said that not believing in Jesus or God will take one to hell and nit sin! I was like what did I just listen to? I thought to myself, I'll get back to that video later and kept cooking. Later on this evening, I came across your video on the initiation of J. Selman 😲 I quickly clicked on it and also saw J. Eze's, I heart jumped out of my chest like🙆‍♀️ while I was still watching the videos I quietly unfollowed both pastors. The thing is, a lot of people follow J. Eze…GOD please have mercy and open the eyes of these one's to see the truth. The Bible did talk about false prophets in the last days but never knew that J. Eze and J. Selman would be part of it 🤦‍♀️ GOD please have mercy 🙏

  2. Comedians that don't understand what they are saying. You have to do an investigative enquiry on Duncan Williams and expose him as a member of Freemason.

    What is Freemason? For your interest don't say what you don't understand. It's dangerous. May God have mercy on you.

  3. Its very clear we are about to see the Manufestation of the True Sons of God .Not only that God is about to release Devine power up His True sons..All this is the effort of acult to combine their powers to later try fight that of God that is why they now don't hide #Let those with Spiritual eyes see as the Living God see in Jesus name

  4. These people we now don't know who to trust . One time in my former church cards were given to all tithers , they look like banks cards it was said that if you have a situation or sick you can lift that card up and all those who have those cards will rise and stand for you where ever you are . One guy almost died refusing to go to the hospital and keep on raising that card . We only realized later that these guys will initiate people unknowing.

  5. Jesus gospel was repent. And kingdom of heaven. Any other gospel other than this . Are the doctrine of the devil. If your members are taught how to seek the kingdom of God then they will know how to heal them self through Christ in them. Stop taking advantage of people due to their lack of knowledge. I just pray for those whom are still suffering under ignorance . May Jesus find a way to rescue the victims before his second coming. Amen.

  6. The older ones have lost it so when they see the upcoming ones they become envious and will do anything to pull them down
    Like the old prophet that deceived the young prophet concerning Jeroboam's alter

  7. This pastor does not invite young pastors to his pulpit not even Ghanaian pastors preach during his mega programme
    It's either TD JAKES,PAULA WHITE etc from America why is it now about these young ones

  8. Repentance is good guys, no doubt. For me I would have said he collected like 2 swords. Sodom and Gomorrah wasn't as corrupt as it got to before God dealt with it severely. Our Knights and Imams in our churches and Mosques hears about repentance every day, yet they carry billions of naira from the government, and nothing happens to them. I think it is time things are done differently. Go check countries hat have bitting laws against corruption, how they perfom. Hence this fire prayer would help to eradicate evil in the land.

  9. The face of Pastor Jerry Eze says it all. I believe he was taking unawares by this presentation because he look really confused and scared at the same time. But I love his prayer when he eventually received the sword he raised it up and pray a prayer which includes WHATEVER is not of God let it come down by fire 🔥🔥 and I think with that prayer he has destroyed ANYTHING that does not glorify the name of GOD in that presentation. He can't refuse the sword just like that but I am still surprise that Duncan is presenting swords to men of God as he said his father was a devil worshipper. Pastor Jerry was not really impressed as it took him time to hug Duncan.

  10. Oga be careful how you speak about Jerry Eze. God may just use you to set example. There is no NSSPD person that would say 'transfer of power'. Which power does Duncan Williams have to transfer to a prayer machine like Jerry Eze?. So it's wrong now to attend a church you are invited to Minister in?. If you watched the video you'd notice Pastor Jerry never saw the sword thing coming and he couldn't just refuse it. Let's be mindful of how we criticize people. Maybe Pastor Jerry should stop attending just any gathering he sees. We don't like people with pure hearts.

  11. Can you guys confirm how you know much offering people give online. Wondering whether you see people giving offerings online.
    Failure to confirm makes your reviews/criticisms questionable in my opinion.

  12. Are we really in the position to judge men of God? Judgment belongs to God, the one that called them. Let's work hard in areas that will find ourselves, sow love in our families, communities, societies, countries and the world at large. Pray as individuals, families etc. Remember the way you judge others, same measure Will be given back to you.

  13. You guys should just shut your mouth if you don't know what to say okay you don't talk about men of god like that all right. God is still doing wonders using that young guy to do wonders what God cannot do does not exist.

  14. Paul got God's anointing when a prophet tied a belt around his waist. Eventually there was a time when his garments were used to drive out demons. Peter had such great anointing that even his shadow and the ground he walked on could heal the sick. There are dimensions in God's kingdom. Some have greater treasures and crowns. As for the lukewarm Christians who are limiting God's power, God is going to spit them out of his mouth. The best tool to judge a preacher is their teachings and not the supernatural things that the human mind cannot understand because we cannot understand God, there can never truth in a servant of the devil, no matter how they try

  15. I was really waiting to hear your points, to see if it will make sense. Not until the other guy called laff mayor was making gest of the prayers on NSSPD. You both need the spirit of discernment to understand the power of prayer, and for God to open your eyes about NSPPD. And also need to pray to God for favour so you can find a better hustle.

  16. I attended Jerry Eze’s church online one Sunday just out of curiosity and I was shocked cus not once did he talk about salvation or sin or anything that would convict a person. The only thing that was done was miracles and prayers about miracles, and a lot of things that made no sense .Read your bibles for yourselves folks cus the Bible warns about all these false prophets and teachers of the law.

  17. Can you people please present to us at least 1 real man of God. Since you are so good at discerning the fake ones, help us discern the real ones. Please please.


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