You are watching December 10th 2021 | RCCG HOLY GHOST CONGRESS – DAY 5 EVENING #TheSiegeIsOver #HGC2021 #PastorEAAdeboye
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  1. The injustice that many pastors commit is that they don't take time to teach their members their realities in Christ. The greatest thing a believer needs is true knowledge of who he is in Christ, what Christ has done for him and what He can do through him not giving him prophecies at the end of the year. As much as God is the father of daddy GO He is also Father to the new convert. God is our Father all of us and speaks to us all as His children. The only difference is that some may not perceive when God talks because of their level of maturity that's where proper teaching comes in. As an earthly father don't you speak to all your children, what more of God. Christians should be taught properly.

  2. Victory Target 2022
    A war on a planet of blind like instincts Spirit in human body's we mimic .
    It not the dog in the fight but the spirit in the dog that fights
    No rules but Choice on which side we exist will come the knowledge of that spirit .guide
    Spirit is the weapon wé are empowered in to use as instinct
    To survive one can only see the fight with the fire so bright .
    seeing is believing
    believing is seeing
    Forced to rise in a hungry soul energy to materialise the Giants we allway were
    Today you could not ask for a perfect plan as the universe always surprises best way forward on the side you chose
    Out of chaos emerges a vessel of honour or dishonor
    We all play a part ,we all observe our part and observe the challenge .
    Every detail is predestined .perfect

    Nesara is our reward
    sorting out of sheep from goats
    we chose our part..
    With choice comes knowledge of our acting part like a movie we seen before future ,past, present of choices we desern.
    The universe is daily reborn again and again as the sun rises to reset the new birth .repetition of habits .
    God like generals recruiter new born as we awaken we become whom we are and I am whom I am as destined to know that I know my part..
    The part that was always was .by design

    Dark days and nights and hard times crack the shell cocoon .of the planet arrival in human form we emerge

    Respect to the Commander and chief General we follow we unite. to free the lost ,blind , helpless lost in the body of a mortal human

    The smell of victory is in the air
    There is no death in energy just reborn again .power.,faith into faith .
    Our final choice cannot alter once we made a choice and believe we exist in spirit form and manifest on earth our habitat .
    The last form we now chose to be home for eternal life it is why we came to prepare that place for yourself
    a place of harmony , synchronised with all things , one with all forms
    Eternity is not a word it is created by choice on this earth ,we are the last of the pure gods to rule over the universe .
    This is our time sent to man kind
    Personal developed needs
    the trials on dark earth create a form of light to shine in the mist of the darkened days
    let's end the crime and drain the swamp for last time and establish the new earth perminantly

    God's of Authority we choose our form and recreate a life we want to exist.
    The new heaven a new earth created like Gold and presuouse colours of gems.

    spirit beings are the masters of universe,
    They Are creators whom past through the fire trials to gain pure hearts Elisha has Arrived

    You will know them by there fruit as we look into the eyes of the soul

    By the spirit we take them dark entity's out to establish our kingdom on earth

    Some souls did not evolve and there kingdom do fall
    There leaders are impure in heart
    and having no moral foundation .
    and become vessels of dishonour.
    sad to see but it's choice .

    Our ministry is decide what is good , what is morally good
    what benifits man kind , Thinking on these things the spirit fruit evolved as knowledge grows .

    heaven on earth looks like what to you ?
    new Earth , new heavenly kingdom on earth you prepare this place
    you be transformed by renewing your mind .
    behold all things new .
    Take back your inheridence that's in your power .
    I will leave but I'll send the spirit of truth that will build the temple within you and you will bring it to pass
    Stand in holy place and allow the power to manifest the light to see and hear and demonstrate the will of Spirit of Authority
    You are the salt the light of the earth
    The spirit of truth will teach all things personally
    do not be instructed by Dog priests I called them the father's of Dogs .
    you will know them as I put collars around there necks .

    make a choice to establish heaven on earth

  3. Dear heavenly father save my husband Michel boufflers from the power of drugs and alcohol and bring him back to me let him be save give him your salvation have mercy on him and make him a new person in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth have mercy on me oh my lord so that I can be a good wife take care of our children let them be great in the mighty name of Jesus Christ amen thank you heavenly father


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