I cover myself and my Brothers and sisters and all the children in the able hands holding of God almighty God guidance protection deliverance Freedom peaceful through this year in Jesus Christ amen
Lord God, thank you for giving us breakthroughs and miracles to serve You. Wealth, health , wisdom, strength, peace, and joy. Even if You desire to bring us overseas, thank you for all Your provision to serve You. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray . Amen ?
Amen ??
❤ Thank you lord
Lord pull down every evil load down and set me free
Lord send me fearful miracle and turn my sorrow to joy
I know distance it's not a barrier I receive all the declaration
Thank you my father
Amen, God please remove the enemy to my breakthrough
Lord remove every enemy to my breakthrough
I cover myself and Christopher life with the blood of the Jesus Christ amen
I cover myself and my Brothers and sisters and all the children with the blood of the Jesus Christ amen
I commit Daniel life in the able hands holding of God almighty Guidance Deliverance supernatural protection through this year in Jesus Christ amen
I cover myself and my Brothers and sisters and all the children in the able hands holding of God almighty God guidance protection deliverance Freedom peaceful through this year in Jesus Christ amen
I commit myself and Christopher life in the able hands holding of God almighty God guidance protection through this year in Jesus Christ amen
We go watch o ?
Father this year I and my family will praise you,serve you like never before and remain connected in Jesus name Amen.
Thank you Jesus
God I thank you for making my family witness 2024. I pray God to bless me & my children with good job, salvation, favor & financial breakthrough IJN.
Thank you Jesus ❤
siyabonga jesu
We will celebrate ?
Me and my family will praise God
The spirit of praising, serving and connecting to God I received in the year iJmm(Amen)
Ameeeeeen and Ameeeeeen
let me here somebody shout hajjla
God bless you daddy I pray for more Grace upon you daddy
God, grant my children breakthrough. Grant me and my family open doors. In Jesus Name. Thank you in Jesus Name. Amen ? ??
Lord God, thank you for giving us breakthroughs and miracles to serve You. Wealth, health , wisdom, strength, peace, and joy. Even if You desire to bring us overseas, thank you for all Your provision to serve You. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray . Amen ?
Amen to all the prayers and declaration in Jesus Name