WELCOME TO OFFICIAL RCCG YouTube channel You are watching PASTOR E.A ADEBOYE SERMON 2019 – 2020 …


  1. God Almighty, please have Mercy. This is a time of soul searching, knowing God through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name.
    So no one saw COVID-19 coming in 2020?
    God didn't speak about it?
    Oh my God, my heart fear God. No wonder the bible says:
    Deuteronomy 29:29
    The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

    If peradventure, if we have allow these men of God to take over the place of God Almighty in our lives, this is the time to make amends and return to HIM.
    Acts 10:34
    Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:

    May God help me

  2. A lot of Idiots come to this channel and comment ignorance mixed with Pride. You don't like what Daddy has said, move on to another place. Carry your toxicity with you. We've seen God confirm His word over and over again in Pastor E. A Adeboye's mouth. God bless you Daddy G. O

  3. One of the problems with Healing, Health and Wealth Gospel is that it markets Christiainity to pull crowd, many if not the majority in the crowd are uncritical and gullible. This brand of Christianity tells people what their hitching ears want to hear. It’s kind of like part comedy, business association and social association but with reference to Christianity as common denomination. It creates a false aura that one man, a GO truly hears “live and direct” from Almighty God as in Prophecy. That this one man can heal the sick, open the physical eyes of the blind person, unravel mysteries, and raise the dead in countless vague unprovable stories with no hard evidence for people to see there and then before their very eyes. But these are vague and amorphous claims that play on the law of averages, common sense, probability, and statistics but that can never be substantiated with hard evidence visually live and direct. E.g., A prophecy that, “God told me that some people will give up smoking in 2021. There will be deaths from breast cancer in 2021.’ This believe is dangerous in that it elevates one man almost as next to God in the league of all men created by God, who hears live and direct from God, and people can reach God concerning their life issues through the intervention of this one man. When in reality, this one man is a sinner like any other with no greater access to God than any other Christian. That this one man is as ignorant of what tomorrow holds like any other church member sitting in the pew. Church members are not educated and empowered that they can reach the God their maker no more through this man than they can on their own, as a family, and/or as church members in prayer(s). That they need not necessarily go through this one man. The truth we need to tell ourselves about our condition as a people, we refuse to tell it and/or face it. We deceive ourselves into a wishful thinking utopia mode in the name of Christianity and build a human organization or movement. That is a real danger because we essentially live a fake Christian life. May it never be that in the last day, it will be said of us,” away from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you.” We are to believe that God told Pastor Enoch A. Adeboye all of these amorphous prophecies for 2021, and yet, God withheld from Pastor Adeboye during their discussions that Pastor Adeboye will lose his own son in May 2021? I think it is safe to figure that God did not tell Pastor Adeboye anything. Pastor Adeboye simply made these amorphous things up in his own dream, delusions, and/or imagination to excite the masses of his followers in the continuation of the tradition of marketing Christianity, creating false impression, and pulling a crowd of gullible followers. “God told me, God told me, God told me”. These are claims man can make that are hard to prove or disprove because God will not intervene in either claim to confirm or disprove that “God told me” assertion. It’s more realistic, honest, and straightforward for Pastor Adeboye to always say, this is what I think, this is what I hope for, etc., than to cross the line of discuss with the people, resort to name dropping, and be saying “this is what God told me” implying a tee-a-tee with God when God in fact did not speak or have a tee-a-tee with Pastor Adeboye. I sincerely condole with Pastor Adeboye on the loss of his son, and pray that the Lord comfort his family and fill the void. I hope for a more sober reflection on the part of Christians on the state of things in this Nigeria. The suffering of the masses of the people. I believe it’s more honest and realistic to state that in 2021 and beyond we pray for A, B, C, and D, rather than come out and say God told me F, G, H, and I will happen. Because something bigger than F,G,H, and I happening will imply that God did not tell you everything or even more important things. For example, how could God have left out the Corona virus pandemic in His tee-a-tee with these men of God on was ahead the year before it struck? I do not believe God will mislead anyone, more so in a tee-a-tee. We can fool all of the people some of the time, but we cannot fool all of the people all of the time. The people are entitled to the UNDILUTED TRUTH. The fact that nobody regulates what we say does not mean we have the license to continue in this misleading fashion. Thank you very much.

  4. Man of God am very happy for separating your, the pastors that chess wealth that Landed me into dis terrible situation will face God"s own Judgment for their actions.
    Am just fighting in my spirit man if I should go against some of the members or people who can against the system through me.
    Believe man I gave an advice for a very in long time but they refused to change. Especially when things became worst last year to dis year.
    Till then shalom.

  5. Against them by what I know about them, dat is what am enquiring in my spirit man. May God bless you for standing out from the crowd.
    I am say cause I listen two of your tape when you are also advising people to stop unGodly ness , that it not good . I may stop here for now , may God cover us.


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