RCCG 68th Annual Convention 2020 – DAY 4 | WONDERFUL | EWI RENDITION You are watching Live from the RCCG …


  1. Good. Afternoon. Sir. I. Am. So. Sorry. For. The. Lost. Of. Your. Son. And. I. Am. Praying. That. Your. Ministry. We. Not. Lack. There. We. Be. More. Testimony. And. Healing. And. Better. Things. Know. More. Died. No. More. Sorrow. Why. Daddy. Is. Because. Have. See. You. One. In. Italy. All. Your. Preching. And. Your. Prayer. Was. Ok. And. I. Came. To. Lagos. Me. And my. Elder. Sister. Esther. With. Other. People. From. Abroad. Came. With. A. Bus. For. Prayer. In. The. Church. Everything. Went. So. Fine. That. Is. The. Church. My. Sister. And. Is. Family. Are. Going. I. Want. To. Thank. God. For. Everything. That. You. Are. Doing. And. Other. Thing. That. You. Are. Going. To do. In. Her. Live. Thank daddy. For. You. And. Your. Wife. Too. God. Should. Protected. You. All. Not. To. See. Tentation. In. Life because. You. Are. Good


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