White garment churches vs Pastor David Ibiyeomie Join this channel to get access to perks: …


  1. One of my friend offend her girlfriend, which she's from celestial church…The girl on 7 candle for my friend , since then the guy don't have our chance anymore.
    I can't say all like that..but some of them are into juju…turari etc….

  2. Pastor David Ibiyeomie is a big lier and a fake pastor, and always talking nonsense. This is why i always say know God for yourself. This is why i stop 🛑 going to Church.. watching from Austria 🇦🇹 Vienna

  3. The bible says "Anyone who does not love doesn't know God" – 1 John 4:7-8.

    The Bible also says "If a man says I love God but HATES his brother, he is a LIAR" – 1John 4:20.

    I think the spirit of error is at work in that man (Ibiyeomie)

  4. The bible says "Anyone who does not love doesn't know God" – 1 John 4:7-8.

    The Bible also says "If a man says I love God but HATES his brother, he is a LIAR" – 1John 4:20.

    I think the spirit of error is at work in that man (Ibiyeomie)

  5. It's well… after all his opinion or view doesn't determine the faith or the relationship the white garment ministry has with God. Let's pray for unit in the body of Christ not fight, we will be surprise in the last days to see those entering the Kingdom of God and those going the opposite way.

  6. Both Pastors are half right and half wrong. Ibieomiye should not use harsh words. White garment churches globally are flawed that does not mean they are bereft of true worshippers of God. Some of them seat under the tutelage of Gbile Akanni. And some pentecostal pastors stink. The claim by the white garment pastor of 70 % returning to seek help from white garment churches is close to the truth because many are solution-seekers without guardrails – any solution is OK for them.

  7. He was also a member of a white garment church in PH. A very prolific bible teacher and prayer warrior. This was before he left and opened his salvation ministry church.
    My question is , was that the kind of prayers he was doing when he was with them ?

  8. To be honest. Its true. If want to destroy go there, they will help you finish work.
    I had a friend who attends celestial church. He went to their vestry room and saw the picture of her friend who was about to wed a white man in the inner altar of their vestry room with poo on it.
    He met the leader and told the leader that the lady is a friend. The leader said it was a lady that came with her picture, the person that poo on the picture was paid five thousand. So she pleaded with him to undo the hatred that they have caused the lady. The leader refused. She took the picture and went to their head quarters and it was undone.
    That was how she left the celestial church.

  9. Who can be more wicked and demonic than David Ibiiyieomi himself who on a regularly basis uses his Pulpit publicly to lay curses and invoke calamities on people? There is a recent video of him cursing "yahoo boys" and praying that they would die in accident in their cars if they do not repent. This kind of behavior is strange to Christianity. It is the behavior of Pagans and demon worshippers. If "Pastor Ibiyieomi could publicly invoke curses and calamities on people, then one would imagine the kind of wickedness he perpetrates in the secret! He had the guts to invoke calamities on yahoo boys who belong to the lower social class but he always pronounce blessings on the corrupt politicians who belong to upper social class who are members of his church contributing big monies. Jesus in Mat 7:15-25 says by their fruits ye shall know them! What a hypocrite of a man!

  10. Why is it that anyone going to white garment church is seen as doing evil things, but most of this so call pentecostal churches go to them and even to herberlist, the most important thing is your relationship with God. Everyone cannot be in the same church. You ibiyeomie is your church better.

  11. David Ibiyomie is one very irresponsible & clueless pastor with no idea of what Christianity really is.

    His only achievement is being able to gather an impressive crowd of morons (in my home state of Rivers unfortunately), who cheer him up whenever he engages in his usual stupidity & show of shame.

  12. Social media platforms will kill Christians, Christians who follow social media and not the Rhema of the word of God are shooting themselves in the leg…. May God give you understanding

  13. To you the analyst, how many times have you come out to teach the Bible since you do analysis on church events precisely preachers' teachings.

    I am not a fan of those pastors though, but I feel that you are chasing clout by virtue of just focusing on bringing up what pastors did or said, and never coming up to teach on subjects that will enable people learn likewise, except you are just a theological analyst.

  14. But what is very outstanding to me in all of this is the fact that the "white garment church" didn't deny what he accused them of. I think every Church/denomination should be bold enough to put out whatever they do in the open. Except it's a cult, they shouldn't have any hidden practice that can't be done in the open. Jesus our high priest never did anything in secret; and He is our example.

  15. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

    For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

    Ephesians 5:11‭-‬12 KJV

    Secret diabolical practices in Christianity should be exposed and it takes the entrance of God's Word to expose such works of darkness.

  16. Go and win souls for Christ. That is the assignment given to every Christian by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. He never assigned anybody the office of assistant Satan, th accuser of the brethren.
    If you find anything wrong, pray for the involved. Don't seek cheap popularity on social media by ridiculing the body of Christ before unbelievers.

  17. Hello Sir, I watch a lot of your videos but this particular issue hits very close to home so I feel led to talk:

    I don't really know about this Pastor Ibiyeomie or his ministry but what said is 100% correct and in fact they do worse than that. I was born and raised in ESOCS and have seen all kinds of things that can only really be described as Witchcraft Practice. Black Soap baths in the church, tearing of Bibles to make "parchments" for protection, taking your white garment to the beach and soaking the garment in Ocean water and leaving it for 7 days for "power", taking red/white/black candle and tying it with thread and if someone is giving you problem at work or at school you call their name into the candle that is tied so that as the candle is burning and getting low the person will feel it in real life, burning of strange incense, twisting and taking the Book of Psalms out of context in order to invoke curses etc etc the list really is endless.

    Before I was even born the "Elders" there told my mother I was to going to be Dada which I was. I was taught as early as age 5 how to operate in the Supernatural under the heading of High Rank people like Utubu and Demuren. For the first 7 years of my life nobody was allowed to touch my hair, then when I turned 7 there was a "ceremony" in the C&S HQ where my Dada/Dreadlock hair was finally allowed to be shaved after the full 7 years. This hair was then taken and thrown into the river as we were instructed by the elders as an offering out of my parents ignorance.

    As you can imagine if you have basic Spiritual awareness, this turned my life upside down and put me into serious bondage with Marine Spirits almost completely destroying my life and destiny. It took several serious deliverances 20+ years later to finally be free from bondage. My advice is that if you are a member in these places you better pick race, leave the place and find the real Jesus before they finish your destiny for you as well. White Garment churches employ and follow the instructions of familiar spirits and marine power for their "Miracles", not the power of the true God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. If you read the history of ESOCS you will founders used to pray specifically at bar beach for part of their source of power which is why they still periodically continue that specific practice.

    I know somebody will disagree with my post but that is ok. I'm not here to argue only to testify what I know and have lived so that hopefully others don't waste time living in darkness like I did for 2+ decades of my life.

    God Bless.

  18. That is Pst. Ibeyomie opinion..
    If he hates unjustly,Gid will judge him..
    Who knows if he is copying from …. "Jacob I love, Esua I HATE"
    Is it wrong for someone to say

    Is it wrong for someone to say I LOVE because of this or that…

    It will be great for every denominations to face their own calling God Almighty has the Final say.
    However, Does the word not say we should correct with Love????
    I think Pst. I should have not used the word Hate..In the illustration he intended. Correcting or condemning???
    What do you think???


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