He contradicted himself explaining the root meaning of Ekklesia. The definition doesn’t even agree with the message that he’s trying to teach. And, He misinterpreted scripture; Heb. 10:24 does not teach us that we MUST come or go to a “church” building or assemble the gathering of believers together in a building. He’s being deceptive with his teaching, and I can only assume that He is doing this on purpose because it serves Him to teach believers that they must be in attendance at His church where He is in the position of chief leadership. And I can only further assume that, he receives monetary tithes and offerings at that church from those believers that are in attendance. The hypocrisy of the religious leaders of Christianity is disgusting! His smooth speeches, his intellectual exhortations, and the wisdom that he displays that can be compared to the wisdom of the Greeks as it pertains to the teaching of scripture, he too is a self righteous hypocrite who throws stones. My heart goes out to Nigeria! So many wolves there preying and hunting God’s sheep!
He contradicted himself explaining the root meaning of Ekklesia. The definition doesn’t even agree with the message that he’s trying to teach. And, He misinterpreted scripture; Heb. 10:24 does not teach us that we MUST come or go to a “church” building or assemble the gathering of believers together in a building. He’s being deceptive with his teaching, and I can only assume that He is doing this on purpose because it serves Him to teach believers that they must be in attendance at His church where He is in the position of chief leadership. And I can only further assume that, he receives monetary tithes and offerings at that church from those believers that are in attendance. The hypocrisy of the religious leaders of Christianity is disgusting! His smooth speeches, his intellectual exhortations, and the wisdom that he displays that can be compared to the wisdom of the Greeks as it pertains to the teaching of scripture, he too is a self righteous hypocrite who throws stones.
My heart goes out to Nigeria! So many wolves there preying and hunting God’s sheep! 

The comment above … you can tell she doesnt want to saints to gather at a church.
Do you have the full length video?