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  1. It's now obvious that rccg is a family business which treats its employees as worthless slaves. And brainless people sheepishly submit themselves to them for a spoon of porridge.

    For Leke to call a goat "sir", it shows that he himself is even worse than a goat!

  2. John 5 : 19 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

  3. As a member of RCCG, the action of leke being the biological son of daddy G.O has become on berable and the truth is that so many pple has been suspended or reduce of position for doing less of the act of leke. tomorow at any event you will see leke still following his father our father in the lord, this means is no longer church afear but family matter. leke stop disgracing us on social media and sometime i use to think if u are smoking or taking some drug.


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