Pastor Enoch Adeboye is from Nigeria and says that if you don’t tithe, you will not go to Heaven. He also encourages the …


  1. I got to take a break from this stuff. You show so much evidence with Scripture that if people can't get past personality and the charismatic nice person appeal should be prayed for but move on. Debating those not ready to hear or demean the Christ and a believer personally should politely dismiss and distance from the person unless led to engage. Bluntly, I don't know what Bible people read or God they know sometimes regardless of a preacher's claim of belief. Teachings match the word, not manipulating it.

  2. This channel truly showcases discernment and truly allows one another to test the spirits. Spirit of Hod, human, or Satan. I pray my channel grows and blesses each and everyone just like this one does!! Sow, water, and reap those seeds for the Kingdom of God!!

  3. The Pope has some competition. One World Religion will not bring peace. It will bring pieces of gold to the guys who will head this movement. Its all about the money!! dum dum dadadum dum.

  4. What a pathetic scene showing other people falling for this piece of crap preacher…………anybody who buys into thinking that if they don't tithe cant go to heaven is just as stupid as the person preaching such……they deserve one another…………

  5. The thief on the cross said unto Jesus, Lord remember me when thou comes into thy kingdom. Luke 23:42
    Did he have to give his tithe to enter in with Jesus in paradise?
    Did he say Lord remember me when I have given my tithe?
    of course not.
    How could he possibly give a tithe when hanging from the cross?

    This man is unskilled in the word and needs to go back to the elementary principles of the faith. He is on milk if he is on that at all.
    No man should preach unless he has spent at least ten years in the word of God showing that he can rightly divide the word of truth correctly.
    Works salvation is an INSULT to the cross of Christ.

  6. My parents went to a church where they had to pay memebership especially if the “apostle” made you a pastor, then would make you pay $200 annually to become a chaplain for a fake badge that you couldn’t use to enter prisons to speak to the imprisoned. It took years of me reading the Bible and the Holy Ghost illuminating my mind to finally see it for the false doctrine it was. Among the head shaking and the babbling going on top of that.

  7. I’ve only seen this man (and his wife) in this video, but I am struck by the lack of joy on their faces. If they shared true and untainted messages of Jesus, maybe the joy would creep back in. In this video he seems to be about to tell us dessert will not be served.

  8. Congratulations on another great video. Praise the Lord. Exposing deceivers and liers is what God is asking you to do and you do it well. This man is nothing more than a worker of the devil, with the antichrist spirit within him. Love and prauers from England 🙏

  9. WHAT? Since when is one world religion of God? Please keep reading, understanding and obeying the scripture church. Stay away from these charlatans who preach a different gospel.


  11. Everybody with just a little bit of knowledge to the bible knows, that the world are fallen, God will create a new world and a new Heaven, to do that He will have to burn the old one, so it is nonsens talking about peace in the world, because the bible are very clear about our future world, it will be nothing but chaos, heavy weather situations, earthquakes and really creepy conditions from nature.
    Get the word right before you preach for weak people without knowledge, you will have to answer one day to God……

  12. There is a worldwide effort in all Government and Religious sectors to prepare the world for the rise of the AntiChrist. They are destroying the world on purpose so the Antichrist came come as a False savior. Constantly lying to us is part of his plan to make us just so passive and Deceived

  13. If people read their Bible instead of just heard these false teachers, they'd know Israel fell exactly for its ecumenism. Solomon fell exactly because he decided to mingle with other religions.

  14. You are a liar from the pit of hell he needs to reverse that statement and take it for himself because he’s not going to heaven because he’s got a greed for money. Disgusting man he’s on one side of the devil and the other side for God. He’s a hypocrite and he needs to tell others where is that scripture in the bible if you dont pay tithes you cant go to heaven. Its people like him stop sinners from giving their life to Christ he collect the tithes for himself so he won’t be going anywhere near heaven if he don’t repent worthless man

  15. this video proves that adeboye as well as kumuyi are already working with satanists in the spiritual and physical realm because as far as Jesus Christ is concerned, buddhists, muslims, hindus and every other non-Christian religion are worshipping demons/satan:

    1 Corinthians 10:20 KJV

    But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?

    or do they expect non-Christians to keep things 'ordinary'? don't they know that every lie is of the devil? are these false religions not lies and of the devil?


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