Part 2| Woman President In Royal Like-Purple Prophecy Fulfillment? | William Branham

America recently elected it’s first female Vice-President, could this be the fulfillment of a Prophecy/Prediction made by William …


  1. The prophecies are true; He saw the end but the misunderstanding came when he predicted it.
    The prophecy he said: thus saidth the Lord
    The prediction he said: I predict so and so year

    Watch and Pray ; Kamara haris is now acting President with full power (Rev 13)
    The Lord is coming soon
    Thank you

  2. wow now that the prophecy of a woman rising up in America is fulfilled then what do you say of this video, he only predicted he didn't say that sayest the Lord, come back and repent, now we know he is a true prophet, because he even saw in vision waht kamala Harris will wear.. shame unto you

  3. If bro Branham is truly the prophet for the Bride than he is or he isnt .. he came thru Jesus Christ if your wrong youve lost evsrthing if wer rite weve gained everthing.. u can only know by revelation .youll get it if u want..its not for everybody only Bride.. forever settled in heaven thus saith the Lord.. 🙏🐎🏁🏆👑😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

  4. He purposely confused some prophecy and gave the correct one to a few people. Just like the girls of Fatima. Those they give the secret failed also…even Jewish and others were watching the Reverend closely

  5. I ve never listen or heard this but from what you broadcasted I see 1977 plus 50, not sure but definitely preparing for my lord's coming I love Jesus because He talks in parables it's Left for you to solve . What have you done for christ today

  6. Christ is The Solid Rock, amen to that! So i apologize to anyone that may offended but it seems that the people who are commenting and getting upset are bordering on idol worshiping. It seems that they worship this man, Branham, and will defend him tooth and nail. For what reasons? … I sincerely don't know. I have many brothers in Christ but don't go around defending them from what other people say about them and it's not that i don't care for my brothers, but our eyes should be upon Jesus and only him. I don't even have to defend our Lord Jesus, he is very capable of defending himself. What I can do is present the gospel of salvation to anyone that wants to listen. So people claim this man is a prophet and i'm not saying he isn't but if God didn't give you a prophecy why would anyone give any predictions. If they don't come pass you'll be branded a liar or false prophet giving the devil reasons to create division. I think it is just better to keep our mouths closed and speak only as necessary and that only to glorify our Lord. By the way if the bible has given numerous prophecies about the end times and the book of revelation has been written why is there a need for prophets in these days? That's just a question i have. Also, i want to mention that the word of God is more than sufficient and clear on how we are to conduct our lives. Trust God that he is faithful and merciful to complete the work he started. Phillipians 1:6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. God bless all my brothers in Jesus Christ.

  7. You said this message had nothing to do with William Branham, yet the whole time you were posting his comments. If it had nothing to do with William, shouldn't you have been addressing what you wanted it to be about? He said he was not prophesying the world would end or the rapture would take place before 77. He was just saying that he felt like things were so bad he could see it happening before 77. I have predicted surely God Will send Jesus to rapture us before the year 2000, and say in such as this.. I did not prophesy it. I just could not see how the world could get much worse. Something big did take place between 33 and 77. In 1948 Israel became a nation again. Could use have been going back home. That is huge. Well rest assured this, Jesus is coming back for his children and that day is very near! Even so come Lord Jesus, come! 🙏

  8. Bro Branham kept insisting that he was NOT PROPHESYING but PREDICTING. Yet you're doing everything to make the people see what you want them to see. This smack of dishonesty. Or is it that you don't know the difference between the two words. The visions were thus said the Lord(prophecy) but the timing of the events in the vision were not thus said the Lord (prediction). He (WMB) said nobody should go away with the impression that the world will end by 1977 because he could miss it by a year, 20 years or even hundred years. He said he based his prediction on the rapid turn out of events in the world and on the 7 visions he had in 1933. Just like a meteorologist make predictions about weather based on some atmospheric parameters or a Doctor would make a prognosis of a case he's handling. By the way have this food for thought!!!. God told Abraham that his (Abraham) seeds will be in bondage for 400years. But they stayed for 430years. God told Noah to enter the Ark that it was going to rain but it didn't rain until 7 days later. Jesus prophesied about destruction of Jerusalem. It took place 40 years later. There's always borrowed time in God's program.

  9. No man knows the hour or time… so i am not shocked it did not happen. God doesnt need fake people trying to pretend prepare for his coming. Ijs. So it will happen when absolutely NO ONE knows.. but i do believe brother braham was a light from GOD he jus got to confident in his own thinking for a moment.

  10. And Jonah began to enter into the city a day's journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.
    — Jonah 3:4 it is not fulfilled so Jonah is not a prophet. But the Bible says he was a prophet. Prophecy can fail brother. God is merciful. He extended his grace some more years. God has given 15 more years to hezekiah. God said he will die, but the same God extended his life. In Bible many prophecies failed because God is merciful, he extended fulfilment time of that prophecies. William marrion branham true vindicated prophet of this age. He is the seventh agel, he is the prophet before great distruction of world, like Noah.

  11. First he said I PREDICT Then how in his other sermons he said that Am waiting the coming of the lord Jesus…this how you can study the word of prophet don't take one corner….

    For example: let's take Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

    ISIAH SAID THIS IN PRESENT TIME AS IF THIS PROPHECY IS BEING FULFILLED IN HIS DAY…. BUT IT'S TAKE MANY YEARS FOR IT TO BE FULFILLED…. What if the people of the days of Esaih will said about that prophecy???

    The words of God is revelation not your own understanding and how you can connect the word to other.

  12. Whoever is explaining this, especially touching matters concerning those visions the Lord showed His prophet.William Marion Branham,Don't you fear God,how could you make light of such matters?Are you looking at the natural,All those visions and predictions took place,just one remaining!just know that the Word of the Lord only comes to the Prophets,and He will do nothing till He reveals it to them,So finding fault with what William Marion Branham said, it's as good as finding fault with God,Sir I wish you knew what you were talking about.Well,l just felt I should say this,no offense.


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