America recently elected it’s first female Vice-President, could this be a fulfillment of a Prophecy/Prediction made by William …


  1. let me predict (I did not say prophesy, but predict) that this age will end around 1977.
         An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (9 – The Laodicean Church Age)
        Rev. William Marrion Branham
    Be careful not to mislead people. Read the words that said. He understood himself and I hope your confusion does not confuse people

  2. Because he hid some things ..and cars like eggs are self driving cars. It's also common for women in power to wear purple…also Catholic Church along with u.n.are predicted in other visions from internet. To rule

  3. Why do you have to revise your prophecies they either come to pass like you said or they dont…

    That's how you know a true prophet and a false prophet….

    Went from a woman being president to perhaps the Catholic church… That prophecy changed…

  4. I've been backslidden for years & now recently after many struggles, I finally decided to give up my sinful life & return to The Lord, & the original calling He gave me. When first saved I heard about Bro. Branham being a man of God. I'm currently living in the Caribbean, planning returning Stateside as soon as The Lord provides. A couple of days ago a meteor exploded over New York city. It's quite possible Kamala Harris will replace Biden as presidential candidate, & should she win our nation is doomed, according to the word of The Lord as per Bro. Branham. We need to pray for America.

  5. Kamala Harris is a racist Apollo Harris is disgusting all she wants is power in some kind of ability triple check what she believes is right in her mind this is what you get when you don't pay attention and you elect people who are not Christians how do you turn to the Catholic Church not even knowing it's the Satan's Church

  6. First, I wear a purple dress and Kamela wore hers maybe ONE TIME. Am I going to be the new President? Kim Clement was the only Prophet that saw the future in my opinion, and he said "Trump will serve TWO terms. So, unless Kamela is going to run again after her lost in 24- it is possible it might be her. Mr. William Branham got most of his prediction wrongs- but the ones he did get are being shown. Now, if by chance they cheat as in 2020 and insert her to the crown then I can come back and listen more to this prophecy.

  7. No matter how you bring out such no man in the history has ever been used mightly as the one you are critising be careful God is watching and spirit behind what you are doing. Judgement is before. Mark these words deep down in your soul you even know.

  8. No matter what you say you will reap indeed. In every man if it is fault you will find but be rest assured that all what you are bringing out is where the fault lies not all the good things the lord did in him but you start comparing with fake preachers. God be merci with you. You are at end of your road . No matter how they would have paid you, you trending on a wrong ground. At least he run his race. Run yours and where God will reach you. You have not even started with your reasoning


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