A California teacher is receiving backlash after reading books to her kindergarten class about gender identity. One of her students …


  1. It happened at kindergarten?!? I that age I didn’t even think about sex. Imagine being like 5 plying playing with Lego and then this lady decides to tell you that maybe you are a transgenders, questions if you like boys or girls and tells you that body mutilation is ok and if the parents won’t support you the center would. Wtf?!? And sorry but what wtf!!?! I hope she is fired and is not allowed near a young a child again. She isn’t even supposed to talk about sex to kindergarteners.

  2. Having age appropriate material is not edging towards banned books. You can teach kids about kindness, acceptance, diversity, etc without introducing gender transition. These teachers are not experts in gender dysphoria so why introduce the topic?? It's like someone untrained in psychology reading a watered down DSM and telling kids they might be depressed, bipolar, schizophrenic, or any other condition they want to be or feel they are.

  3. What I love about these people all they care about is their personal agenda. Teachers should not be allowed to intervene into the personal lives of their students. If a child thinks that they are a different that is a family matter. When you start playing around with a child's psyche that is teaching. Their job is to teach reading writing math and history. These people are trying to push their agenda by brainwashing the Innocents.

  4. All of this political correctness, calling people what they want to be called or they’ll be offended and play a victim, feeling pressured to conform to the times and affirm gender identity or you’ll be labeled a hater, a bigot, a genderphobe. I feel for all the conservative students who have to put up with this environment today. I was fortunate to grow up in the 80’s and 90’s when we didn’t have to deal with in school and times were simpler. A boy was a boy and a girl was a girl, and no one was confused or promoted anything different.


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