Parent Talk| Dealing With A Disrespectful Teenager

A LeadHerShip minute is nothing but empowering girl talk advice for the various hiccups we all may face on this journey as girls …


  1. You ain't dealing with no disrespectful Teenager these are Hormones imbalances baby and these Kids got clean access to Porn and Drugs that Create these Imbalances and no Recreational Systems that meet demands of the World. Those Drugs and Porn are Breakdown Systems for the Immune, emotional imbalances, Nervous System imbalances, Imbalance of Reaction to Productivity. These ain't Grandmother's No Mo these Days these ain't Real Women these Days you don't got enough Separation in the Black Community because of the Gay Community and White Folks still form Segregation that's an No No Honey ain't nobody Child better than the Next. Y'all need to get y'all life let these folks ride around all day around these Schools without the Police passing out Tickets checking Tags and Registration this World is Domed but Sale your Soul for an Car but didn't go to no College wth is that. Think about it when you let an Government Down Financially with no recovery all surroundings come crashing in all Districts everybody running everywhere including your child living in empty Housing with Gang signs everywhere and you got Grandmother's over 50 still Banging in Gangs. I dare Black America talk about Change!🤷

  2. Ugh I'm so sorry for what teenagers are doing to you all. I'm 11 and I'm almost 13, ever since I been hearing teens being rude disrespectful I didn't want to grow up to be one. But I have to. I hope I won't be one of them

  3. So I haven't incident on today with my daughter where she was being very disrespectful. I asked her to stop revisiting a situation. Which was upsetting me because she would not stop talking about it. Repeating it over and over again. Before I knew it I reacted in a negative way. She was cussing and she said that she wanted to hurt herself she didn't want to live I really just don't know what to do at this moment please help! She is 18 years old and starting to get out of control with me. I feel like I've lost my child!

  4. I’m highly conflicted as the father of my 16 year old girl. Her mouth took me to wrapping my hand around her hair and pulling her down. She continued to be disrespectful and I told her “F*k you” and “f*k all of y’all” meaning to my wife, and my son who’s 14. I went there because she turned my son against me and he’s always had respect for us, but even he had to stand up for his sister when I got angry and my wife stuck to the kids side. So I said what I said. Of course I didn’t mean it, I wish I can take it all back but I can’t. I sat my son down and we had a long conversation, I wrote a two page apology letter to my daughter and let her know I’ll do better. But really I’m still concerned for our future. How do I proceed with caution without sacrificing my rules for parenting my kids? I’m hurt.

  5. Nutrition is often overlooked in children and often flawed. This should be monitored before they reach puberty. Teens and their parents/mentors should spend more time learning about life together, talking and listening to one another without assuming anything. Since they're in the process of becoming adults, boys should be around men and girls around women constructively as much as possible.

  6. Girl my 13 yr old son got me out here losing my mind lol I see that they want freedom but they def need boundaries n limits. There's an age for it all. I speak to my son kindly n give him some freedom yet he still feels it isn't enough n test my patience..and his attitude 🤦‍♀️

  7. My daughter is 19, refuses to keep a job and follow my rules. At 19 I had moved out, had a job plus I had a great Mom. She's no where close to that and I'm tired. I failed to mention I spoiled her.

  8. I do agree with you that disrespect is a part of the adolescent years I think we parents forget our lives when we were growing up but it is important how we handle the disrespect we need to learn to handle it the better way. Thanks for your tips

  9. My mom doesn't really me when she gets Mad she acts like a child and I always gotta go apologize to her. She took my money away after I was doing chores and didn't give me a reason after I asked for one she was acting like a bitch for a week straight and said to ny face the world's not fair so I ate her brownie and she said why why told her the world's not fair and she poped off on me I did it back then she told me why she stole my money and I'm still mad ill treat her with respect and not disrespect her but I'm not gonna clean around the house until I get my money and as until today as I writing this I told her my ears were clogged she said look at u coming back to me how ironic and I said nvm I'll let my ear stay clogged cause im.nkt gonn stroke ur ego then she gives me my card and tells me to do it myself I said idk how so just teach me so ik how to do it she Said "oh ur Mr big bad u talk all tha u do it urself" and she said she didn't care about my emotions and don't care about how I feel I'm taking that all into my head and now ik how she real feels anyway my sister is breaking up the fight I told her if it was any other kid u be ona ground. Then she grabbed a guitar and threatened to bash it on my head ever since I Don't see her again i told her to just throw me back to the mental hospital she even tried to get my sister to forget about me anyway I'm 15 and I'm typing this on my bed my mom is just childish and I wish I had my dad to talked to but he passed away I have no friends and I'm growing up emotionally mature which is kinda a sad this

  10. Sad how this seems to be about parents understanding their teen/teens and basically not treating them back the way they treat you. You really expect parents to get disrespected, verbally n emotionally abused in their own home n be calm n patient. The way these teens are now. No way am I gonna just let my teen son run my house n say n do what he wants just to keep peace. Teens are dogging their parents, cussing out parents, hitting n stealing from parents, won’t even clean the room they sleep in at their parents house. Don’t clean up only mess up a house. Don’t sweep, mop, wash a dish, wipe a table off, most basically do nothing at home but focus on how they look these days and how they feel. They only want todo what they feel like doing when they feel like it. I feel like parents go thru so much more than their kids think. It takes your life to run a household, keep a household, raise s family, work a job

  11. I’m struggling with my 13yr old. She’s gone to therapy not once not twice but 3 TIMES. She’s not that disrespectful at home she’s a straight A student so no issue there. My issue is her being easily influenced by other kids. She lies about a lot of stuff the stuff she says via text with her peers is disgusting. and social media which I have made her shut down accts then she’ll sneak and create new ones. So I just took her phone altogether. She’s a smart girl but she has this desire to want to be liked and loved by everyone that’s not her parents or family. She got into a fight after school a few days ago it was circulating every where bc of what other girls made up about her and another student now my daughter is being bullied bc this girl was bigger than my daughter and pretty much used her size to overpower my daughter. It’s embarrassing for her now and heartbreaking for me as a parent. That’s not something I want my daughter to be recognized for. It’s like what are we supposed to do? We talk to them we try to guide them as best as we can so they won’t make the same mistakes. Sometimes I feel like giving up….

  12. My 17 year old son lives with his paternal grandmother. She's NEVER held him responsible for ANYTHING. SHE bought him a car at 14 he snunk out crashed it. A month later she bought him another car, he blew the engine. She's bought him 5 cars in two years, she allowed him to drop out of school by writing medical notes. I've tried to work with her but she's impossible. She doesn't like me and encourages him to disrespect me. I gave her custody when I had cancer,I thought I was not going to live, I got better and since I live a mile away I never changed the plan. He smokes pot sits around all day. She built him his own man cave outa the garage and there are 4 kids living there. One guy stole a credit card and he pushes my son around. I told her about it but she won't kick him out. I told her I sanity is repeating the same thing expecting diff results. Ii believe she's mentally ill. I'm worried my son is going to hurt himself by the way he drives. A counselor told her she's handing him a loaded gun by getting him a car.
    My question is can I sue her for the harm she's done to my son?


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