Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:53:39. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. Dr Myles went to be with the Lord, but the word remained for me. It is still active and effective in my life. Thank you Lord for your servant.

    • No he did not go anywhere. He is sleeping and the dead know nothing and NO MAN has ascended except Yah’ushua. Please read the scriptures and don’t follow catholic witchcraft. He will be raised to life at judgement day and condemned for leading people astray, telling them to follow a heathen Nelson Mandela, calling him a man of God. he did not teach people to obey To’rah but secular self improvement.

    • How do you know he’s saved? That’s as judgmental As It Gets.

      God is the judge of who saved and who isn’t.

      All dead people are asleep …. waiting for one of two resurrections John 5:28 ~ 29 and Psalms 146:4 King James only

  2. Dr. Myles was so profound that one sentence of his could change your life. He wasn’t just a pastor. He was a oracle and vessel of honor. Thank you Lord for your son and gift of Dr. Myles and his wife!!!

  3. I never think of this man as dead. I always have to remind myself he’s longer with us in the flesh, however in spirit he still lives on.

  4. Parables of Jesus: The Prodigal Sons
    Explanation of the Parable of the Prodigal son. First, there was a man that had TWO SON’S. Each of which was a PRODIGAL SON. The younger, took all of his inheritance and splurged it foolishly till he had nothing. He repented and by his Father’s GRACE, returned home. The younger son is an example of ( HEDONISM )were repentance is posible. Now the second son, when he heard music, danceing and makeing merry, because his brother had repented and returned home. He was mad and approched his Father, questioning him as to why he would honer his brother’s foolish sin, and kill a fatted calf while all the time he, the older brother said these many years do I serve thee I have never transgressed thy commandment, yet you never gave me a Kid that I might make merry with my friends. But as soon this thy son has come. Who has devoured thy living with harlets thy has killed for him the fatted calf. This the older son is an example of ( MORALISM ) Which is a much harder sin to repent from, for it is unseen by the sinner.

    This PARABLE, is not for the unbeliever but for the christian who thinks, by his works he can expect God’s favor. For it is not by your works, but by, as the forgiving Farther showed GRACE you are saved. ( EPH.2:8-9 )

  5. I tell you the truth, daddy did not die…. Although his physical body might not be, but everything about Him is still alive….. Thanks be to God

  6. Mortgage. “Word nerds will notice an eerie root word in ‘mortgage’ — ‘mort,’ or ‘death,'” Weller writes. “The term comes from Old French, and Latin before that, to literally mean ‘death pledge.'”

  7. All thanks to the Lord Almighty, because indeed the man died empty as he always emphasised that “one should always die empty with nothing left in him to change the world”


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