1. Thank You Jesus. Lord pls bring it to me speedily. All things have been made available! SPEED this month of September. Thank you for the past month. My Citizenship ceremony was to the Glory of God. USA 🇺🇸. I am ready Lord. I will not leave empty

  2. Our Daily Bread
    1. Spiritual Resource (Divine Presence and Supernatural power)
    2. Intellectual Resource (Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom)
    3. Human Resource (the gift of men, the leverage of men)
    4. Financial Resource

  3. I pray to share the testimony of how the Lord changed my masters qualification graduating GPA from supposing Pass to Merit. I am like 10 marks away from graduating with Merit as the 10 marks was deducted from my grades in one of the courses I did due to late submission of which I had submitted on time but to the wrong course portal bcos I wasn't feeling too well. I believe with God nothing is impossible and I pray to share this testimony just like the others. Amen

  4. Beautiful sermon especially the part that he said one has to financially stable for the kingdom work…emphasis on given solution to problem when u outline it..
    Everybody has a reason for doing things..when u are pulling them out get a solution as well

  5. Our daily bread
    -Jer 3:15(mentors)
    -Spiritual resources to actualize destiny
    -Mathew 6:11 (pray in this manner),father,at heaven need faith,hallo be your name (spirit of reference when approaching him),content manifestation of his kingdom and his will(God's realm of reality),Give us this day our daily bread(similes/metaphor)
    -Law of 1st mention,law of emphasis,(literally interpretation, scripture to scripture get relevant,buy into line of the Scripture)
    -Bread (everything needed to actualize destiny)
    -2nd cor 3:5-6
    -2nd cor 9:8(all sufficieny in all things ,God make abound all unto you)
    -Luke 22:35(When you went did you lack anything,they said no)
    -Daily bread ,that makes you comfortable (send by God to ensure that you continue with your mission)
    -2nd Peter 1:3(access all things that partain unto life)
    -Must know how to receive daily bread
    -Sufficiency def Having enough to achieve a goal or satisfy a need, capacity to always rising to the occasion never disappointing)
    -Fulfiling your God given assignment require abundant resources, consistency is a product of abundant supply of resources (master how to access daily bread)stamina to continue
    -Every mandate (you run everything through the access of the daily bread)
    -You never looked bankrupt
    -Daniel(had an excellence spirit),Daniel was there when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in the fire)but trouble didn't get him and was there,
    -Stunted because they didn't know how to ask the daily bread
    4 resources
    God sent word to person and situation
    1.Spiritual resources (divine presence)
    -Exodus 33:13-14(my presence should go with you ,and I will give you rest)
    -God as God(omnipresent,all knowing, omnipresent)
    We are partakes of his divine nature( we draw power from him)
    John 15:5(he is the vine and we are branches)
    -Mark 16:20(Emmanuel presence,shakina presence manifested presence)
    -And the Lord working with them
    -Acts 10:38(God with you)
    -2 keys secure (love and passion for God John 14:21,in all your getting content for his presence,then obedience (God will back you)
    -Presence brings freshness(pray for God's presence factor)when you prepare anything for example goods and services
    -Be marinated for God's presence (2 ND Chronicles 26:5) as long us he sought the lord he make him to prosper
    -Acts 10:38(force that compel compliance)
    -psalm 66:3(enemies will submit themselves)charms and yoke
    -End of any argument is power
    -pray and fasting open realm of power( for edification)
    Acts 4:33
    -Life, business, ministry, assignment.
    Mathew 6:11
    -Let your power rest on me
    3.Interlectual resources
    -prov 24:3-4(wisdom) oil and treasure
    -Go to them that buy and sell
    -Destiny are knowledge dependent
    -Ecc 10:15
    -Job 38:33(laws of universe)
    -Master the art of producing result
    -1 Cor 8:2(get oasis of knowledge)
    -Hosea 4:6( lack knowledge)
    -Job 5:19
    -When you are ignorant you are already defeated
    -Ephe 4:18
    -John 1:5
    -John 1:6
    -Mathew 5:15
    -Isaiah 60:1(Arise and shine)
    -ministry of light teaching journey beyond salvation .
    -John 17:3(Content light)
    -Faith is a child of light
    Heb 4:2
    -High level spiritual illuminations and laws of the universe
    -Law of honour, leadership, influence,mental transformation,(lesson from an overcommer,Season of abundance,etc)
    -Ephe 3:20
    -Job 3:25(fear attack )
    -knowledge, understanding, wisdom
    4 Human resources
    -1 Chronicles 12:1(Everything is in the hands of men, willing to stand with him)
    -Psalm 68:11
    -Rev 22:17
    -Every vision need shoulder of men
    -Men intersessor,men as financial helper
    -Mathew 27:19
    -1 king 19:9 (woman in Zerephath)
    -Every is as hard as he who is absent
    -Mathew 25:5(delay bridegroom)
    -Mathew 2:11
    -Answed prayer is men's dependent
    -Pray quality men may I encounter then (ministry of ease)
    -God when you send me send also men
    -Numbers 1:5(names men that shall stand with you)
    -May God wake men to help me
    -Luke 2:52(looked for men then )
    -No matter how wealthy you are if you don't have men you are poor
    4 Financial Resources
    -To actualize the destiny
    -Mathew 22:21(cezer)
    -Refuse to be poor for the sake of kingdom come,
    -The name of Jesus is very heavy it take financial resources to lift it high,
    -One child to school,call prostitute save,NGO food(hunger reason why Israelites go to Egypt)
    -Promote the kingdom and send smile on people's face,
    -Always teach solution in the church (Jesus the way)
    – We are the light and salt
    -mathew 24:14
    -Power to get wealth 123,season of abundance,capital that buys money,true riches (teaching)
    -Lord give me this day more of sufficiency,access favour, productive ,witty inventions, weightier dimensions of your presence ,wisdom , understanding superior level,gift of men, councillors ,burden bearer,wisdom that produces wealth,gift of men,no more stagnation,
    -See Jesus lifted up,glorified
    -I access grace in all sufficiency so that I abound in all good work
    -Stay and listen to it and pray in the Spirit


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