There is a reason that this was not allowed to be released until today. Get ready, here comes the cloud with Jesus our Lord in it! And next will be the trumpet. Fill your lamps and draw your attention up. Our redemption draws near. Maranatha!
Thanks for encouraging me, my husband, jai, has been, really down, with low level energy, BUT GOD, sending greetings from the caribbean islands ????????????,
I’m sorry to say but the lady drunk with wine sounds just like Nancy Pelosi. She has done so much damage to our country from her trip to Tawiaan. Her husband just got dui. China is already gearing up from it. They’re pumping up with Russia’s help. Those dreams might come true because of her. It’s so similar how like she is carrying our country drunk and being reckless and provoking this ww3. It just makes me think of her. She should never have upper hand in our country. I am not saying it’s her but it’s so similar in my opinion.
??? MY LAMP IS FILLED, AND READY TO GO ?? Lord Jesus I confess I'am a sinner, I believe you die on the cross for my sins, was buried, and on the third day rose again, I repent of my sins, Please forgive me for my sins, I accept you as my Lord and Savior, I hear your footsteps coming, I hear you knocking on my Heart's Door, Please come in and be Lord of my Life, Amen. For those of you who don't believe in, The Sinner's Prayer, Read Revelation 3:20.
Thank you for sharing, I have heard these before. It’s a little scary, but God ! We shall see what happens….It’s All Gos will…All Glory to God ! No fear with Jesus….??❤️???
Come quickly Lord Jesus come quickly. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over our Nation, and I thank you Father God that you are sending ten thousand angels to protect us from the wiles of the evil one who is a liar and a destruction forming thief, but nothing can separate us from the love of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God ?❤️?✝️????? Amen and Amen I give You all the praise and glory.
Holy smokes!!! What are the chances of Christians having the exact same dream? ….of China and Russia invading America!! Wow!!! I have heard so many recently that see China and Russia in their dreams as well. Let's pray we're outta here before that happens. Knowing God I cld see it being a last min in the nick of time red sea moment for us.
When Pastor and his wife started praying I was filled with deep gratitude to God. I am always amazed when I see a man with a wife who are in unity. Working together for God. I am so thrilled. My wife recently turned against the Bible. She never did seem to be able to agree with certain portions of scripture. My heart has been broken very many times by her disrespect both to God and His scripture. So when I see a husband and wife believing together I cry for joy. I CRY FOR JOY! !
Thank you Lord, that Born Again Christians will not face your Wrath! Revelation 3:10 (NKJV) Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.
The United States of Babylon inc.
?❤️, much love to you both!
Maranatha!!! ⚡️
There is a reason that this was not allowed to be released until today. Get ready, here comes the cloud with Jesus our Lord in it! And next will be the trumpet. Fill your lamps and draw your attention up. Our redemption draws near. Maranatha!
Thanks for encouraging me, my husband, jai, has been, really down, with low level energy, BUT GOD, sending greetings from the caribbean islands ????????????,
I’m sorry to say but the lady drunk with wine sounds just like Nancy Pelosi. She has done so much damage to our country from her trip to Tawiaan. Her husband just got dui. China is already gearing up from it. They’re pumping up with Russia’s help. Those dreams might come true because of her. It’s so similar how like she is carrying our country drunk and being reckless and provoking this ww3. It just makes me think of her. She should never have upper hand in our country. I am not saying it’s her but it’s so similar in my opinion.
Thank you. Maranatha. Hallelujah!
Thank you guys for your faithfulness! You are always a blessing.
Jesus Christ is the alpha and omega
Love you both . I’m tired and weary thank you for the encouragement ❤️
Lord Jesus I confess I'am a sinner, I believe you die on the cross for my sins, was buried, and on the third day rose again, I repent of my sins, Please forgive me for my sins, I accept you as my Lord and Savior, I hear your footsteps coming, I hear you knocking on my Heart's Door, Please come in and be Lord of my Life, Amen.
For those of you who don't believe in, The Sinner's Prayer, Read Revelation 3:20.
Crazy the times we are living in
Thank you for sharing, I have heard these before. It’s a little scary, but God !
We shall see what happens….It’s All Gos will…All Glory to God !
No fear with Jesus….??❤️???
Come quickly Lord Jesus come quickly. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over our Nation, and I thank you Father God that you are sending ten thousand angels to protect us from the wiles of the evil one who is a liar and a destruction forming thief, but nothing can separate us from the love of God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God ?❤️?✝️????? Amen and Amen I give You all the praise and glory.
That's why I'm not dead but did a oven since birth
Holy smokes!!! What are the chances of Christians having the exact same dream? ….of China and Russia invading America!! Wow!!! I have heard so many recently that see China and Russia in their dreams as well. Let's pray we're outta here before that happens. Knowing God I cld see it being a last min in the nick of time red sea moment for us.
Wow this vision is incredible may the Lord our God keep us strong ? thank you hands family what a horrible end for America Lord we look up.
“For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.”
Is Jesus coming?! Yes He is!
There ain't much time left…….
When Pastor and his wife started praying I was filled with deep gratitude to God. I am always amazed when I see a man with a wife who are in unity. Working together for God. I am so thrilled. My wife recently turned against the Bible. She never did seem to be able to agree with certain portions of scripture. My heart has been broken very many times by her disrespect both to God and His scripture. So when I see a husband and wife believing together I cry for joy. I CRY FOR JOY! !
Maranatha LORD JESUS Hallelujah Amen Brothers and Sisters
Thank you Lord, that Born Again Christians will not face your Wrath!
Revelation 3:10 (NKJV)
Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.