"Opioids became my god"- God Completely Delivered her from Drug Addiction!

Adrian was a self-described “adrenaline junkie” who raced cars as a teen with her parents. She later became addicted to drugs …


  1. BUT: what if I AM A CHRISTIAN. I REALLY AM. But I still WANT! Stuff. Importance. NOTHING seems to fill this awful emptiness. I was very abused as a child. I've been in counseling for years. Nothing seems to help. PLEASE PLEASE be kind 😢

  2. I believe 700 Club means well, but a person using drugs fir the wrong reason of 'getting HI' is completely different than a person who was in a car accident that destroyed their spine where they're written off as being disabled and where the Gov't refuses any kind of surgery to help fix a person's spine and body so they don't need a pain killer ! It's totally wrong to lump all people together and label them a drug abuser, when that's a completely false statement. What that does is place guilt and condemnation on innocent people who are on a regulated doctor's care to use a controlled substance to help manage pain, so a person is able to at least have some form of normal in their life and not forced to lie in a corner crying continually because intense pain is not able to be tolerated. Yes it's good to present stories about actual drug abuse but remember to present the whole story properly otherwise you do a diservice to the truth, and cause unnecessary mental and emotional suffering to others. I have a friend who has been trying all kinds of legal medical suggestions by doctors to get Gov't medicare and medicaid to approve surgery to fix and repair my friend's medical issues, but govt rules and regulations REFUSED to help my friend saying surgery is costly to medicare, and say to just take a pain pill as Gov't won't approve any back surgery or any surgery because it's not an approved medical procedure anymore to do surgery for spine issues. If one can afford surgery they will do it, otherwise the Gov't insurance says it cannot afford to fix your medical problem. And on top of this ridiculous answer, those who suffer pain on a daily basis are demoralized and demonized as if it's their fault for using pain medication as a last resort because Medicare refuses to offer any other option except to use a pain medication to control one's pain that isn't tolerable unless one uses a pain medication. This is how far the US Medical system had fallen. So lumping and labeling those who use drugs to control pain legally isn't fair to those who lately are being made to look like some person who used pain medication just to get high. There is a big difference! Not everyone eho uses pain medications on a daily basis for pain management is an abuser of drugs, otherwise everyone who takes drugs like Tylenol, ibuprofen, or any other pain relief medication is subject to being labled as a drug abuser. This whole unbalanced viewpoint of the truth is being used politically today and innocent pain sufferers are caught in the middle. This is so very wrong!

  3. I wish Jesus would do this for me. I met Jesus last year after crying out to him suffering heroin and crack cocaine addiction and prostitution to fund the habit. I love him worship in truth and spirit. I cry i beg i plead for deliverance from addiction. I'm on methadone now and don't want to be on that. He has delivered me from spiritual attacks given me the beautiful holy spirit. But i am desperate for deliverance from addiction.


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