THE KOINONIA EXPERENCE WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN To give, please click the link below …


  1. APOSTLE Joshua Selman taught Yesterday these 5 facts about RELATIONSHIPS:
    –Destiny fulfilment and advancement is practically impossible without relationship and strategic connections
    –Relationships are currencies and can buy what money cannot even buy
    –In God's Kingdom, who hates you does not matter; who likes you does.
    — God will always use people to help you rise, while satan will always use them to destroy you.
    — People are ladders that can provide you with leverage in your life and destiny

  2. 1. Rise above competitive jealousy. Proverbs 4:30 envy rotteness
    Secret of Favour.
    2. Avoid evil speaking/backbiting.
    3. Practice forgiveness and tolerance.
    4. Be an active contributor to the growth of the relationship. Relationships don't build themselves they are built by the parties involved. Strategic relationship. Honor dignity and Respect.
    5. Master kindness and hospitality. (kindness Quality of being friendly generous and considerate).(hospitable desire to See people happy and welcome) Giving is living.
    Who in my life today have I chosen to invest my life resources and time to contribute to the growth of the relationship. Active contributor. Closest expression of Jesus Christ.

    #1. Rlshp with God
    #2. Rlshp with Men
    #3. Rlshp with Things.

    All things to enjoy
    Rich in.good works
    Lay up in store
    Lay hold on eternal life
    Professing have error red
    1John 2:15 love not. Love here in Greek is Eros lust ungodly affinity.
    Success makes men losers in the midst of plenty. Potential in the hearts of men. Secret of managing things never lift them above Christ. Know that the Blessing is to make you a Blessing.
    Mistake of the rich fool.
    There is a healthy way believers relate with things.
    Use superior parameters to command Respect other than resources. Amen.

    Construction of Open Doors Through Relationships. The Cycle of Success The Art of knocking.

    Amen. Amen. Amen.

    My Rlshp with God gives me access to wisdom.and favor
    Wisdom and favor gives me access to men and systems
    Men give me access to resources and influence.
    Use your Resources and influence to serve God Bless men and live a successful life.

  3. Couldn't join koinonia yesterday but I was listening to the message at night than I slept off…I myself and my kid sister, standing in front of koinonia alter, immediately my sister and I was delivered than I wakeup and pray to God…thank you Jesus for delivering my sister and I 🙏🙏🙏

  4. It's a Testimony I have changed my profession earlier I was working as HR and now I took training of Digital Marketing and was searching Job as last week Apostle made a prophecy that all those without Job will get Job in this week I recieved the prophecy and I really got a letter of intent from a good Company All Glory and Honour belongs to God May God bless Apostle for his wonderful ministry

  5. 8 Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy REWARD. Please allow me to correct – i think that was a typo (REREWARD) the scripture is THY REWARD (KJV) and rear guard (NKJV, AMPC) …

  6. Man of God you are such a sharp instrument and inspiration to me ,may God have mercy on my life for not making not Him my friend anymore by being so busy with ministry and many things of life.

  7. Apostle Joshua Selman , you are such a great teacher…I was yearning for this all my life. I have been transformed to a SOLID WOMAN OF GOD because of you. I want to thank the Mighty GOD for introducing me to you, because it can only be HIM 😭😭😭.
    May GOD grant you all your heart's desires and bless you abundantly.

    My everyday prayer is to get into Clinical Research and I know it will be answered in the name of Jesus….I have been invited to an interview on Wednesday after I wrote as a prayer request during the last Miracle service and I know my GOD who is also your GOD will make it happen me for in Jesus name.

    I will come back with the testimony🙌🏾🥺🥺❤️❤️.

  8. Thanks for the message but pls help make it easy for us to download..have been unable to dwnld d Last message uptil now and I love to listen over and over again…pls do something about it… thanks

  9. Your Relationship with give you access to wisdom and favor, wisdom and favor will give you access to men and systems men will give you access to resources and influence and you now use your resources to serve God and men and live a successful life


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