A woman does not hear words, she experiences them therefore men must be careful the way they talk to women – Dr Myles Munroe.

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Originally posted 2020-12-30 14:54:13. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


    • Women too are sometimes in their own heads about how they speak to someone or to their husbands. Its a principle thing and not really a gender thing. Everyone is a lil different too and will experience things differently throughout their lives but a common thing across the genders is a choice of words be it in constructive arguments vs deemening someone. Don’t say something that one might not be able to unhear. Say what you need to say don’t keep it in but find a better more correct way to say it with Christ’s grace and help.

    • Adeagbo Judah Just a student my brother, The Holy Spirit teaches me; sometimes through Myles Munroe, sometimes through other people, things or experiences – He is Omnipresent. God is good; stay blessed 🙏🏾❤️

    • @Judah Adeagbo what E Tembi is saying is exactly what Myles is trying to get you to stop thinking, that he’s some special, esoteric man that came from heaven, Myles isn’t Jesus. Myles was a poor Bahamian kid who had 10 siblings and made something of himself by studying the Bible and building a relationship with God Almighty, if we do the same we will have similar results. Jesus Himself said we will do works like He did and greater works even (John 14:12). So don’t believe that Myles is a once in a generation man that nobody can be like, you becoming who God made you to be is the most important thing (after giving your life to Christ) anyway, start there and be blessed

  1. Am just about to propose, hope am accepted so I can put to work all pastor myles has taught me through all these priceless teachings he left On earth. May his soul rest in peace.

  2. This is good wisdom for men, but there are somethings in life that must always be balanced. Marriage is one of them. The husband must give 100 percent and the wife must give 100 percent. We can play games or be ignorant about it, but men and women both have needs in a marriage and it is not true that all marriages will be fine if the men just do their part. There are many women who will suck a man dry and never emotionally give him anything in return, but think that she did because of the bedroom. There are men who will suck a woman dry and never emotionally give her anything in return, but think that he did because of the bills he paid or the gifts he bought her.

    If two TAKERS enter into a marriage, it will crash and burn it a few years, if that long.
    If two GIVERS enter into a marriage it can last many many years, until death depart them.
    However tragically, there is another kind of marriage that has the appearance of being good and long lasting, but inwardly one of the marriage partners is slowly dying, and that is when a GIVER gets married to a TAKER. It appears for a while to be great. The GIVER is giving, and the TAKER is taking, so all is well right? No. At some point the GIVER starts to slowly die on the inside, and sometimes they don’t even realize they are emotionally dying. And this can happen to either the wife or the husband.

    Husbands and wives have different needs, but both need to be affirmed with WORDS from the other. But neither should expect the other to continue affirming them, when the affirming words have turn into a lie, when you know good and well you are the very opposite in your conduct, behavior and words, and not making any effort to do better, and many times getting worse.

    Husbands and wives must constantly pray for each other, and examine their own behavior in their marriage, and stop elevating their spouses faults while looking at their own faults as insignificant.

    God Bless,
    Pastor K. L. Greene

    • We all need to really listen to God and follow Him. What He brings together and leads you to is great and He knows what He sees fit that will help you to grow and the guy as well. Pray for Him for God to guide him and for you to be treated with respect and the way you should be treated based off also how we know God wants us to be treated and to treat each other. But most importantly pray to God about your relationship and about the Lord’s will. Pray that God’s will and not yours nor his will be done that Christ will lead you in your life He knows what is best. Pray with honesty.
      It has to be that both follow Christ and not that we choose ourselves based off our own ideas / understandings because they tend to be short sighted. Yes we have free will and God knows but He out of love if we are willing to follow and listen He knows what is best.
      Yes so well said our identity needs to be rooted in Christ not in a person nor in ourselves. Marriage is an example of His covenant here on Earth which both need to look for and follow Christ.
      Yeah don’t let bad treatment stay. There are no excuses people can say random reasons and say they have but there aren’t actual excuses. People should have and be lead to a good person its so important to hear. Marriage was created by God. Also science is our name or word that we put to seeing the things that God made but we should not lean on our own understanding but rest seek rely in and pray to God our Father, who truly lovingly knows what is best for us. He sees all that we don’t see all that we may not know and are meant to learn and grow rely trust in our loving Father to guide and lead us to what is best for us in our spiritual life.
      The whole meaning when taking quotes or following our own understanding is much bigger than what we might focus or look at. I too did not read or look into much else of what He meant and is saying.

      Trust in the Lord He made a way through Him to save you his beloved Child. Pray to Him repent give it over to Him ask Him to come into your life and give your life over to Him. He knows what is best and is who saves us. Sometimes we think we know what is best for us and our current wants but He knows what we actually want and need in the long run throughout our lives. Trust in Him repent and rest in Him.

      I wanted to add a lil insight about the covid vaccine, please pray about it and also at the very least please know and research your and your families medical history. I have severe allergic reactions and am still recovering from a terrible accident i need my organs to be as healthy as possible i can’t take the vaccine and my mom has MS which is so difficult to get tested for but she too can’t get the vaccine for it not being safe for her. Be safe all the best.

      Keep reading keep seeking and praying, He came here for us.

      There are marriages that are of God and that He marries and there are those that are not of God.

      Always please make sure to seek Christ rest and rely in His understandings and not your own He knows what is best and why. Let Him lead you and your life.

      Pray for resting and relying in Christ. He needs to be the one to lead us all. Trust and rest in Him.

      Christ made an example of saying follow my Father. He was making an example out of it. He is God and goes to His Father always He follows and obeys He made that example for us even though He is def God.

    • Women too are sometimes in their own heads about how they speak to someone or to their husbands. Its a principle thing and not really a gender thing. Everyone is a lil different too and will experience things differently throughout their lives but a common thing across the genders is a choice of words be it in constructive arguments vs deemening someone. Don’t say something that one might not be able to unhear. Say what you need to say don’t keep it in but find a better more correct way to say it with Christ’s grace and help.

    • The Lord be with you child of God I don’t know you in person, but God knows you more, God showed me a revelation when I was on your profile to see things around you my dear, I saw God’s favorite, success, joy So The Lord instruct me to tell you to sow a seedinto, breakthrough, behind that., I saw more spiritual attacks from the enemies, working on holding such blessings causing you set back m, But my dear you are lifted above any spiritual Towers. The Lord asked me to tell you before the end of two day to sow into a motherless home (God’s time Motherless Baby’s Home). And you should not let anyone know about your seed sowing, because is a convenant seed between you and God. God’s time Motherless Baby’s Home (Orphanage) some where in Nigeria Kebbi State to bring spiritual and divine breakthrough in your life and that of your family because there I power in sowing, (DEU, 28:15) contact the MDof the foundation on WhatsApp or call. (+2348112574540) Don’t joke with this prophecy, God bless you my child………..


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