One Generation Away Official Trailer

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction

The Religious Freedom clauses in the Constitution's First Amendment are facing interpretation challenges on numerous fronts. One Generation Away visits the front lines of the changing face of religious liberty in the United States.

Originally posted 2021-01-07 10:42:27. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. I like how they start the trailer by having what sounds like a 3-year old reading words from the Constitution, the meaning of which no 3-year old can even begin to comprehend.

    But then that’s Christianity in a nutshell for you… Drilling their nonsense into children’s heads before they are able to think critically for themselves. 

  2. More desperate kicking and screaming from religious fundamentalists as they slowly but surely lose their ability to control American society and oppress minorities. It’s also quite comical how they use the Establishment Clause to argue for why they should have special religious privileges provided by the government. 

  3. At this point, I’m not sure if the Christian Right advocating for “Religious Freedom” is being willfully obtuse or deliberately misleading.

    To any Christians reading this: how would you feel if every morning, due to living in a community with a Muslim majority, your child had to sit through daily prayers to Allah, at a public school? What if they introduced a new theology class in the curriculum aimed solely at disproving all religions? How would you feel if they introduced a mandatory Catholic service every week as part of the school activities?

    Get this through your head: *it is not about you*.

    Sure, you may be fine with the practices now because they favor your own religion, but can you honestly predict what the political, social and religious landscape will look like 20, 50 or 100 years from now?

    The Establishment Clause is there for the protection of *everybody*. It ensures that in the event of getting a Muslim governor. he or she cannot try to impose Sharia Law. Or that a Jewish mayor cannot adorn city hall with Stars of David and Menorah candelabra. Or a that department head cannot force public employees to listen to a Scientology seminar.

    If someone cannot grasp something as basic as this, then they shouldn’t be running for public office or trying to influence public policy in any way.

  4. I LOVE good fiction! Then there’s this….

    Have you guys considered M. Night Shyamalan to direct? He might even improve on what you’ve done.

  5. Our Freedom to persecute, hate, and force our beliefs on others is under attack!  How dare society tell us we can’t dictate how they should live their lives.

  6. Oh my gosh. Why is it so hard for people to understand? You want religious freedom? You have it! The fact that you want religion in government is not religious freedom. Just as this video shows, you are complaining about not having christianity in government with no regard for other religions. I saw absolutely no hint of another religion. Religious freedom is ALL religions, learn the definition. What you lot want is a master race.

    • @James McCullen XXIV ehhh, trying to reply to multiple people at the same time… getting you two mixed up.

      So you’re not a catholic and you support the church? I don’t see how that’s possible…

    • @Trey K The straw men present here could be used for hundreds of Wizard Of Oz movies. And jizz doesn’t have fetuses in it. No one even thinks that.

    • @AveMaria82100 Yes, Catholics are against stem cell research also, but the church molests children and you don’t bat an eye.

      Maybe you should take a step back and look at what contraception is. If using contraceptives is a sin, every time you ejaculate billions of fetuses are aborted… which is false. Contraception keeps the sperm and egg from ever meeting. Even if you are against abortion (which is silly in it’s own right) you shouldn’t be against contraception.

      In fact, contraception leads to less abortions, why? because people that want to avoid having children AREN’T getting pregnant.

      Sorry that you just parrot what the leaders of your church say. Maybe you should think for yourself for a change.

  7. Life is just so hard as a white heterosexual Christian in America. My heart really goes out to them. Suffering from delusions and paranoia is never easy for anyone.

    (allcaps deliberate to illustrate sarcasm)

    • @Jeff Sheets  The United States of America was found mainly by poor Protestant Christians to Honor at all times Jesus Christ|God NOT Allah, Self-Ego, Hollywood Stars, or the Pope. My morals and liberty comes from Jesus Christ|God NOT a group of white atheist, the Pope, or a pagan god like Allah.

    • +Rimmy Schott Thankfully, the ‘Christians’ who signed the Declaration of Independence were much more ‘Christian’ than those who profess it today.

    • +usa520 Not a myth. Perhaps you need a history here it is:
      Of the 55 signatures of the Declaration of Independence, 52 were Christian. The only religion recognized in the colonies at that the time was Christianity, although there was a very small number of ethnic Jews. Only one signer was a Roman Catholic; the others were Congregational (as was G. Washington), Presbyterian, Lutheran, Church of England (episcopal) and Dutch Reformed. Of note, T. Fitzsimons may be listed as a second Roman Catholic, although part of the delegation did not sign the Declaration but did sign onto the US Constitution. Even Jefferson honored Jesus (although not in orthodoxy). B. Franklin during the Constitutional Convention seeing no hope of union, pressed the delegation present to recess and remain in prayer for a day before resuming debate. It’s beyond debate that the Founders’ faith was obvious and evident and a necessary part of their daily and vocational lives.

    • @Felipe Cespedes You need a history lesson. This country was not founded to honor Jesus Christ. Read biographies of the signers of the US constitution. America was not founded as a Christian nation – this is a myth.

  9. This has got to be the worst, most despicable, evil thing I have had the misfortune to watch in my entire life. “Freedom” does NOT mean the ability to force your backward, immoral views on others in the name of “religious freedom!” Freedom of religion means the freedom to follow OR NOT any religion you want.

    • What part of ‘shall not prohibit the free exercise thereof’ do you not understand? The examples in this film are cases where that exact thing is happening. But I shouldn’t expect you to actually watch it or have a thoughtful response, just the typical knee-jerk…


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