Once I Was A Beehive

Lane Speer is a 16-year-old girl who spends her family vacations camping in the mountains. She takes the memories for granted …


  1. As a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints…….

    Ask me any questions if you are confused about certain things that happen in the movie that you are unsure about…….

    Also I love this movie 😄💜

  2. 10 girls and 3 women traveled for Mormon Girl Camp. Bree is the daughter of the woman
    who drove the van. Phoebee (spell is correct?) now Lane's new cousin ,is the daughter
    of the blonde woman.

  3. I remember watching this for the first time when I was like 8 or 9 on Netflix and then they ended up taking it off but now I can just watch it on living scriptures and YouTube so we’re all good

  4. I just lost my father a couple months ago. This movie really hit at the end. Just everyone please don’t take anything for granted. Please give Somone you love a hug and tell them you love them. I would do anything possible for one last minute with my Dad. Please take care of your loved ones. Go shoot your shot with the person you like. Go do that one thing you were always to scared to do. Live life while it lasts. Please tell Somone you love them today❤️

  5. I cried 3 times watching my this movie, I smiled 100 times while watching this movie, I laughed 10 times watching this movie. This is the best movie I’ve ever seen, thank you for this! It’s full of emotions and that’s what I always am. ✨❤️🙂😊


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