JonathanDesVerneyGospelChannel Old School Gospel Songs (Choir Edition)


  1. Is that brotha Keith Pringle starting this holyghost party off? I've been saved for 36 years plus and it looks and sounds like him🥰bless him and that beautiful big choir that was singing also, I remember big choirs like that and I miss that fellowship so much, I live for the days when the church will get back to praising God and having a good time doing it rather than posing for the cameras ❤️🖤💚

  2. Ps shout out to the O'neil twins and everybody else singing on this recording to the glory of God 🥰❤️🖤💚 happy Palm Sunday and Easter Resurrection Sunday next week

  3. Pss as the sister and choir sing "Spirit touch me one more time" my prayer is that God our father will touch this whole world,plant and universe, every man woman boy and girl people and animals that things will be the way God himself created us to be living in harmony with one another every Christian, Muslim,Jew , Jehovah's witness and even the atheist will do their best,ps save the atheist quick and in a hurry father and every religious hypocrite too in Jesus name amen🥰❤️🖤💚father I love you forever and a special blessing on the brother who posted this anointed music bless him and his family forever and ever and ever ever amen again 🥰❤️🖤💚


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