Old Rugged Cross (2016) | Full Movie | Kelly Nelon Clark | David Vandergriff | Michael Johnson

A worldly mega-church pastor finds himself competing with a new rival for the hearts of the citizens of the town he desires to …


  1. Deuteronomy : 22 : 5 – It is not right for a woman to be dressed in mans clothing, or for a man to put on a womans robe: whoever does such things is disgusting to the Lord your God.

  2. It's scary to know there are actually people that call themselves pastors that act like the bad one at Victory Church. I haven't watched till the end yet. But it's really good so far to see a true man of God that is willing to go against the world, and speak the truth.

  3. This is a spiritual battle over worship. Specifically the day of rest. Remember… the fourth commandment KJV. Jesus is our example. God never changes. God never changed Sabbath to sun day. Research where sun day observance tradition comes from. It’s eye opening. Come out of her My people. The seventh day sabbath is the last test. And then the end shall come. Pray asking the Holy Spirit to show you in God’s Word.

  4. Thanks together handshakes hugs love kisses together handshakes SF and Max Beverly with me family James Michael Hubbs Pentecostal Christian all rights not me and mine all mine

  5. Shalom the pastor breakfast was like Roast that I enjoyed the most .thanks for sharing I had watched this before but am going to rewatch I think twice here because it's really enjoyable and to God be all the Glory and honour.shalom from Stuttgart Germany


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