This object lesson on faith will have your kids giggling and wanting to try it over and over. ⭐️ RESOURCES MENTIONED: …


  1. Your kids trust you because you are their parent and have spent, ostensibly, their entire lives earning that trust. This is the polar opposite of trust in an invisible god. Your logic isn't even close to sound. I did something unexpected, therefore you should be able to trust any claim made by anyone? Please take a moment to reason through this. No just God would demand such blind trust, especially not in a world where multiple monotheistic religions stand in opposition to each other, with each claiming exclusive legitimacy. Those claims are behind countless wars and historical atrocities, yet you explain it away with by saying polymers do neat things. You are a monster.

  2. Not a good analogy. The "bad things" happening to us is the water spilling on our heads, not the pencil going through the bag. The pencil makes it seem like something bad will happen to us but it doesn't. In life, bad things happen to us.

  3. A real pencil going through a real plastic bag and a real scientific explanation as to why the water does not leak out.
    How does this compare with a god no one can prove ,doing things no one can prove?
    It may sound like it makes sense to a believer but I do not think people with doubts will be convinced or swayed by this attempt at an analogy between reality and blind faith.

  4. I understand your good intentions by trying to teach kids to trust the christian god's message of love and all, but teaching kids to believe without proof is an issue. If a child or anyone grows up with the idea that you should believe in what others tell you without having an explanation that's called ignorance, and an ignorant person has many bad issues. A child must be taught ethics and be encouraged to become an open minded person so that he is not swayed by others, to not blindly believe whatever impositions others or a book want to force on them. Be that a christians ideas, racist ideas, or political ideas.

  5. Do you trust that an all powerful being won’t send you and your family to eternal conscious torment for not believing in it?

  6. How in the world is this analogous to trusting an invisible mass murderer. Meanwhile 5 million children will die from starvation and disease this year, some of whom are trusting god. Please stop brainwashing your kids.

  7. Did you teach them about God or about how a REAL pencil can interact with a REAL plastic bag full of water? Things like this lead to the dumbing down of society. There are so many insane real life things you could teach them here about the way our universe works, instead you have to insert an imaginary sky daddy.

  8. Maybe you can teach the children the science behind a "talking" serpent, and a talking donkey, and a burning bush talking to Moses, or sticks turning into snakes, or the science behind manna bread magically falling from the sky for Moses and his people, or a man named Jonah who spent 3 days and 3 nights inside the belly of a great fish, or how a man named "Jesus" was born to a "virgin" and fed THOUSANDS with only a couple of fish and five loaves of bread, and can turn water into wine, and can even walk on water. Explain the science behind the Saints who broke open their graves and walked around the town of Jerusalem to the children. Is it science, or is it "magic?"


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