Today we’re going through the Christian Sex Education film “How Is A Baby Made.” I can’t find any information on when this was …


  1. My family is whole Christin and rn I'm 13. when i was 5 my mom told me that she wished for me and overnight god put me in her tummy and when she woke up the morning i was there. My friends told me the truth in 3rd grade. lol

  2. I don’t understand we’re the deep distain of kids learning about sex. My grandmother didn’t know about how babies were made. She just thought that a couple had sex when they got married, she didn’t know it would make a baby. So now she has a child with her abusive Ex husband.

  3. This video was missing one sentence. One sentence and this could be considered an acceptable sex Ed video. "the penis enters the vagina and releases sperm." THAT'S ALL THEY FUCKING HAD TO SAY

  4. My mom always told me that for a baby to be made the father just “has to be there”, so for the longest time I thought that the mere presence of a male could get a woman pregnant… Like a woman couldn’t get within 10 feet of a man without the risk of having a baby

  5. can't say i'm surprised they leave out the sex part. it just does… christian sex education still see it as taboo/wrong/sin which is… yeah. it's still a misleading to me even with the correct naming of body parts, etc

  6. I still haven’t gotten over the time when I got a girl pregnant on the first date. We snuggled on the couch for just a little too long and got stuck with a baby.

  7. People on earth really screw up what God says and does… Got CREATED sex… God does not want to necessarily hide sex for people he would actually want people to do it safe and correctly just the way he intended it. Plus other things that make people hate Christians and Christianity in total.


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