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Originally posted 2021-01-16 13:07:09. Republished by Blog Post Promoter


  1. My 16 year old blames everyone and everything for his mistakes.
    It’s never his fault. And now no matter how nice you try to tell him to do something, he starts yelling and the F bomb, becomes every other word. UGH

    • I used to do that as well. I never understood that my parents wanted the best for me, that they love me and want to protect me, and I was ungrateful towards them. I often would shout curse words at them and get angry every time they ask for even the smallest of obedience. I knew what they said what right but I told them that I didn’t care if it was right or wrong. After all, right and wrong are just personal beliefs and personal opinions. Then, at 16, everything changed. I became a born-again Christian and realized that my parents were not strict tyrants but those who wanted the best for me. I think of everything they’ve done for me and how I have done absolutely nothing to show my gratitude. I felt so bad about every swear word I’ve said to them, every blatant disobedience I’ve shown in their faces, every yell, shout, and scream I’ve thrown at them. Every time I’ve accused them of being evil, autocratic, and even calling them Nazis. Every time I’ve followed the advice of troublemakers at my high school than my parents. Every time I’ve discarded my education as unimportant. After that, I told myself that I must never show such ingratitude towards them or bring my unrighteous wrath (which is equivalent to murder, see Matthew 5:21-22) against them. Hopefully your son becomes born again as well so he can see his sinful pride. I don’t want to be a hypocrite here but I also don’t want people to continue sinning.

  2. Humans regardless of age, position and relationship can be wicked. There are parents who do wicked things to children and make them do wicked things. We should not obey wicked human beings. We can honor them by living righteously and helping them to live righteously. Obey and Honor are different terms. Honor thy mother and father.


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