Donโ€™t miss Dr. Cerulloโ€™s powerful, prophetic School of Ministry message, โ€œDECLARING WAR ON THE DEVILโ€™S WARโ€ โ€“ a must see โ€ฆ


  1. Thank you Father for Dr M.Cerollo teaching and to his wonderful team, this Bible study they together put. I cannot believe how it has helped me. God bless those behind the scenes All glory and honor to our King Jesus Christ. Blessings always From Ranjieni Maistry. Johannesburg South Africa๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

  2. Lord of Host Fight our battle. We are PREPARED ! Lion of the Tribe of Judah Fight for US. In the Name of JESUS AMEN. We are Not waiting for the enemy. We are drawing the LINE ! We are Not Hiding. ! Amen. JESUS REBUKE THE DEVIL- STOP !

  3. I Rebuke the devil and it must flee ! We are moving Forward . Greater is He that is in me than the devil in the world. AMEN AND AMEN IN JESUS NAME. Anything my Father has not planted is render Null and Void in my Family, my Children "s life, my resources / finances. We are on the Offensive Not defensive. We are more than VICTOR ! CONQUEROR ! Winner ! We are Victorious . More than a VICTOR ! JESUS WIN , HE IS A WINNER MAN X 2 . HE IS A WINNER MAN ALL THE TIME !. GOD has NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR BUT OF POWER ,LOVE AND SOUND MIND ! AMEN AND AMEN .

  4. Glory to God almighty in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we're giving power. Now I'm declaring war to devil to stop and hand off from anything unto us in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Thanks for Dr. Morris Cerullo for the preaching. Glory to God almighty all glories from us be in Him our God almighty forever and ever.


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