Starring Academy Award Nominee Bruce Dern. When a young boy is sent to live on his grandparentsโ€™ Vermont farm, he uncovers โ€ฆ


  1. Very interesting movie, it kept my attention throughout. Great actors and they played their parts superbly. Worth watching unless your brain is craving sex, violence, explosions, and blood, guts, and gore. Highly recommend it, thanks.

  2. Bruce Dern always is 100% convincing in the roles he plays. Great story with complex characters. The underlying tension smoldered through out the entire film.

  3. This was a Families Life, definitely not a close family. The Grandson opened up the Grandparents hearts just a bit, they were hard core. I allways find interest in how families lived and survived many years ago, with no luxuries. There's nothing boring about that.


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