No Woman wants to have to go to Work by Dr Myles Munroe

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  1. I was saying this just some days ago.

    I wish I didn’t have to work, I wish I didn’t have to do all that I am required to do as a single woman…I have the potential to be more productive in so many other areas but so consumed with work.

  2. I had to work , come home clean , cook , watch kids , while he got to set around after he got off , and Saturday and Sunday was work while he got to do whatever on the weekends,,,,, you are right if a woman’s married she doesn’t want to work ,,, but being single working is fun .

  3. There are many men that don’t want to have to go to work either. Some people are driven by careers, some people aren’t. But their genitals don’t have anything to do with it.

  4. The narrative has changed, that's why women no longer depend on men for their livelihoods if not, they'll encounter all sort of abuses.


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