Love? Marriage? Sex? Can a married couple have all three? Perhaps it’s unrealistic since so many marriages end in divorce …


  1. My husband is never interested in me, even when I initiate. After 23 years of marriage and 3 kids, I am resigned to a sexless marriage. Could be worse, at least I like him.

  2. i can't wait till we phase ourselves out. all white nations must be destroyed to save humanity for my professors told me so. i can't wait till this nation is burned to the ground.

  3. Someone please teach her how to do public speaking… This would be great on a podcast but her hand are killing me… I don't think her elbows have even moved from her side but her hands are all over the place

  4. Yup women make things so hard on millennial men who actually do all of the work at the house take care of the kids want to be dads… And after we go through a custody battle… That flashlight is the safest thing for a man and then he realizes we don't need women… But isn't that what women have been saying about men for 60 years?

  5. Not always the women. My ex was always tired, busy, "not tonight" ,etc … as a woman I was embarrassed to talk about this for years because I thought. When I finally discussed it with friends, I discovered many of my girlfriends were experiencing the same thing. It's not always just the women.

  6. “The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. And likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.” (1 Corinthians 7:4)

    Joshua 24:15

    John 8:32 & 14:6

    Psalms 28:7

    Strength and Honor!

  7. A lot of common sense wisdom here, but nothing about dominant and submissive positions in relationships. Most relationships and friendships have this. And if not worked on to strive for fairness and non exploitation then that’s just what we’ll happen. And intimacy and happiness will be extinguished.

  8. For my marriage the end was sexless for me but not my ex, I caught him messing around with a guy online. Being female I couldn't compete with that, but I never caught the signs.

  9. I stay home and look after the boys and clean the house do the dishes/laundry while my wife works, but when she gets home she zones out everyone and stares at her phone until it's bedtime

  10. So, I'm a Human Behavior Scientist….Not a professional or licensed, yet I hesitate to call myself something so demeaning and disrespected as 'amatuer'….
    What I am so fixated on in this presentation is the orator's constant rocking back and forth. Fredly, I actually became sort of seasick, so I took some Dramamine, fought through it, and continued my observation…well, now I'm kinda tired, come to think of it, I used to get tired watching the pendulum on a clock. to be continued….Good night for now.


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