No More Anger | Prophet Kobus van Rensburg | Legacy Stream

Thank you for watching!! “The word of God is living and active and full of power [making it operative, energizing, and effective].


  1. I love this lovely pastor I was watching you from long time ago since my born again first days ! But I went to America I found you i was searching about you ! Did not know your name! But I found you !!!

  2. Reconsider the east from the west. Didnt HE say that? Now, on a firm foundation He put us, unmovable, and unshaken. Indeed, with a chaotic spinning ball there is no east or west. But on a firm foundation, there is surely an east and west. As sure as the four corners of the earth, each with its own wind. We are at the center of His creation, His footstool. I just began listening to you and i am smitten, I've never said so many AMENS! And im not even pentecostal. I'm just a reader of the His Holy Word. And with all due respect, the big lie of a crazy spinning ball leads to others lies that hang upon that big lie. Evolution. Space aliens. Threat of cosmic collision. Asteroids…and so on. Our Lord God is not that complicated. Trust what you know to be true. That you are not spinning through a crazy universe. The Holy Bible tells us again and again, its the sun and moon that rotate, and each has its own light of glory. "He stretches out the heavens like a tent". Seek and you will find. We are as just as God intended us to be. And God is much closer to us than the biggest liar would like us to know. ♡ Peace Brother 🙂


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