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  1. Anti-christ is a system w/a man at its head,as its visible representative…but the apostle Paul said this would develop "IN THE CHURCH…"this is an important distinction that has thrown most Christian's off track…the reformers TO A MAN,(from WYCLIFF in the 14th century to spurgeon in the 19th century, bore UNSWERVING witness to who anti-christ IS…)

  2. In CHRIST's day,the "seminary" of his day had been corrupted by paganistic doctrines & terrible exclusiveness & was not considered by CHRIST to be a favorable place to recruit disciples…

  3. David,study what the reformers taught on anti-christ for 600+ years!…they were COMPLETELY UNITED on the identity of anti-christ…why were they United on this point THEN & are not NOW,what changed?…after the council of trent,(1546-1563,)the church decided to commission the Jesuits to develop NEW forms of prophetic interpretation to create disunity of thought amongst the reformers on this point,so the Jesuit ALCAZAR created the PRAETERIST system,& RIBERA created the FUTURIST system & then started a program of "insertion" & infiltration to disrupt & redirect protestant preaching on this important subject…these are all facts of history & can be readily verified…

  4. Jesus is Melchizedek, and Noah’s son, Shem, was not (Genesis 14:19-20). As promised by God, Jesus came through Shem’s blood line. Did you know that Noahide believers are flat out denying Jesus, thus, Bible prophesy is being fulfilled right now, before our very own eyes?

    Hebrews 6:4-6 (NKJV)
    4 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, 5 and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, 6 [a]if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.


  5. The Antichrist spirit is defenitly in this country (U.S)!
    Ive seen what I beleive was this antichrist spirit in one of my pictures! I was praising the Lord one day in my car and suddenly there was a rainbow, I mean this thing was huge and vibrant and even one lady pulled over to take puctures of it! I started taking pictures of it with my phone and when I went to scroll thru my pictures the next day I saw a dragons face in one of the pictures and the rainbow looked brown, this dragon tries to corrupt anything pure! This rainbow was so beautiful, my coworker told me that she saw a huge rainbow as she was driving on her way to work and I laughed cause I knew we saw the same one and the next day I saw that someone put up a picture in their office of a rainbow taken near the building where I work I knew it was that same rainbow! If just one person prayed and this appeared what would happen if many believers would come together for worship! GOD is Alive and Able and most worthy to be worshipped!

  6. I've preached here on this channel, right out if the bible, but to what purpose, to get those to repent here , if you want a rivial , its up to you to repent, that's how & is what moves our Father, I have warned you of impending judgement, that before you go anywhere , up or down , in Matthew 25, 31 – 46 that Jesus cares about the poor, and you will be judged on those attributes. Nothing else, but love your neighbor, treat those has you like to be treated. And some if not most of you can't help your neighbor, because you don't love them !!!
    O, you thought I was going to tickle your ears??? . revivals don't start that way, I know, Jesus & I have done revivals together, I know what is at stake here. If I had not experienced poverty, hunger , sickness, without shelter, I know these things now, I can preach what our Lord wants me to preach now, because I have skin in this game now. I know what the poor has to go threw, because I'm walking in there shoes now. And the worse part is watching other Christians react to a homeless person, a poor person, & it breaks my heart to witness this, hundreds upon hundreds of so called Christians driving by me, holding tightly on there pocket books , there wallets, shaking there heads at me, like I have done something wrong.
    Yes its time for all of us to repent!!! Repent for the Kingdom of God is nigh!!!
    Blessings Charles

  7. I. not sure of Azusa street.I think maybe Jan Boschoff is right that you are sensationalists.see Jacky Julian videos about why Jesus has allowed churches to become empty.
    THERE ARE FALSE MIRACLES LIKE "THE BIBLE LEAKING OIL"_no Ezekiel warns about false prophets.I'm not sure about azusa street at all.I'm very worried sbouyt it.and about William braham

  8. Yeah this Paul guy..any mortal that stands for the Vatican, Catholic Church Beast System.. Makes it all about them, always trying to sell Believers another stupid book.. Uses the sensational agenda to hype people into their junk.. I don't dislike any person but those that pull other's away from The King James Bible Only as though it is not enough and Know that the Pope is part of the Luciferian Agenda are part of the Decieving system..Which is just about every Western World "Church" System you see on the Tell Lie Vision..

  9. The anti-Christ has been in the bottomless pit since 2011. Satan has been attached to him. In the end the Angel that is in charge of the bottomless pit Abadon is going to rip satan of of him and throw him back into the bottomless pit and throw the anti-Christ into the sun.

  10. Why does man need to turn the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into a symbol, doesnt the scripture say;

    "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:"

    Exodus 20:4 KJV

    Yet man will make excuse upon excuse, and justify his own works as if from God, yet the Truth doesnt always lift His people, look at the old testament and see how many prophets were slain by the children of Israel for speaking the truth. The people of this day and age are more wicked than the people of when our Lord Jesus walked the earth. So how can you assurently say that your spirits will know the truth when you whom reside in Babylon have had your spirit deceived. Go to the evangelizing Church in the 3rd world nations and you will feel the out pouring of the Holy Spirit like never before.


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