Comedian/Actor and writer does a skit on. Bishop Eddie Long, reacting to the internet buzz about his health!


  1. Smmh you lied UNTO the last breathe you said nothing was wrong with you just changed your diet! then you said you were sick! but see God showed you & the 🌎 who he is by stribling up the big buff man to a scrawny man broken down man who played with God! My apologies to the family & friends my opinion and my discernment no disrespect just being real you destroyed them young men placed them in earthly hell

  2. This is not a joking matter folks.. Eddie Long PROBABLY went to hell .. it’s not our call to judge the man cause according to the Scriptures in the Word of God we are already Judged through the Word of God.. so I hope and pray every one of us learn from this.. and look to seek their own salvation and get their souls right with God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ before its too late before demising off this earth. .. cause I believe that there’s a heaven and a hell after this life of what the souls go rather it’s by receiving Jesus Christ through repentance or a lifestyle of sin without repentance…Jesus spoke on hell as well as heaven in the Word of God.. so we must choose by free will where we want to go and heaven is my goal and I hope the same for anyone who reads this as well.. 🙏💪🏾💯😇❤️🙌🏾

  3. Lord thank you that I had the opportunity to have attended conferences where Bishop was my only encouragement when my heart was broken after the death of my parents. God you faithful. You alone knows our faults.

  4. I hope he repented before he died. I did not hear much contrition. It never had to end this way. He contributed a lot to the kingdom of heaven. (please!!! don’t laugh at anyone who has fallen you might be the next) what we laugh at reveals our character.

  5. I guess you were watching & listening to my keto diet…. not sugar, no starches, mostly all fruits & vegetables, & a little meat. Sugar causes cancer to grow. Deplete sugar & starches & the cancer can't flourish. Keto diet I was on 2009 & went from 220 lbs to 150 lbs within a couple months. The weight melts off. Better health.


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