NEW Lifetime Movies 2022 – Based On A True Story – Best #LMN 154

NEW Lifetime Movies 2022 – Based On A True Story – Best #LMN 154.


  1. As usual with YT films the title is cut, and on IMDB it is called Dancer in Danger – 2022. about some dancer girl getting kidnapped or some thing.
    I gave up after the 'villain' cut the power. Why American houses have the electricity boxes mounted out side on a wall, because anyone can get at them as in this film and cut their power? Seema daft to me…
    Also it seems a teeny film for getting 'likes' for putting up some 'dance' routine on YT or somewhere to win a scholarship and money for some charity, just for getting 'likes'!!!?

    I will leave you all to gush over it, and I will find something more interesting……😀

  2. That was a good movie from the beginning to the end I never seen it coming. I never thought it would be her girlfriend’s father was behind everything was a very good movie 👍👋😎

  3. Lock har up too yes, bout you want big man 😒. I'm happy the lady found back her daughter and I can't believe that was the reason why he did what he did. I like the ending.

  4. I guessed it was the Dad, he had extremely creepy vibes. But the twist was great! Side note: Kids these days do need to be more cautious when putting their face and names on sites. There are a lot of dangerous people out there. Be safe.

  5. This is stupid they could have just smashed the phone and completely destroyed it or got rid of it no one would have known they wouldn't have to be so stupid I think it's kind of a silly movie


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