Nashville school shooting video released by police | LiveNOW from FOX

Warning, surveillance video released by police may be disturbing to watch. Viewer discretion is advised. Metro Nashville Police …


  1. I am saddened byt the death of the children and teachers but it still makes me as a 20 year military veteran and 20 year security professional think the same thing. One armed teacher or one armed security officer could have prevented these deaths based on this video. They would have had plenty of time to set up and catch the shooter before they reached any of them it appears from the video,

  2. A REAL MAN would've NEVER driven that car or put stickers on their guns. I know that much. What a mentally ill nutjob! We used to consider those types of things as signs or effects of mental illness but now that you've all "normalized" all that weirdo sh*t, things like this can happen left & right because it might hurt someone's f*cking feelings to get told to act like you've got some damn sense & that there only are 2 genders. It's a f*cking fact with the science to prove it & it's been that way alllll through history so that shouldn't have a damn thing to do with anyone's feelings. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    It's such a damn shame that we can't trust our g-ment & even have to question ideceitful all through our history while pulling "smoke & mirror" tricks by telling us one thing & doing another. Why would they stop now? I just wish they wouldn't use children as pawns in their evil hidden agenda, political BS!

    R.I.P. to the victims. Prayers out to their families.

  3. The 2nd officer blew it, killing the shooter on the ground while wounded in the presence of overwhelming law enforcement… they could've had one less death here if they just waited rather than mercilessly putting 4 more bullets into the person… they are not judge and jury, they had a responsibility to bring the person in alive if possible.

  4. I find it ironic how people sit around and feed on this type of violent trash on TV and movies 365 days a year as entertainment, then it happens in real life – and all of a sudden it is tragic to watch? It should always be tragic to watch, that shooting through the front door has to be inspired by a TV stunt… graphic violence playing 24/7 on TV for isolated and ill people to sit and watch at will, until they decide to act upon it.

  5. Our real need in the nation is "gun violence on TV" control, we are a nation with protected free speech – which means they pump graphic violence into viewers 365 days a year in the US, countries with less free speech don't allow the flow of violent storylines into every home in the nation and it shows.

  6. I hope they find out who else was involved in the shooting cuz if you assholes . Think we're going to get let it slide we will find you. Separate partition will find out who brainwashed her.

  7. My heart aches.
    Thank God for the officer.. Could of been a lot worse..
    We got all these crazies..Absolutely no soul..
    This country is changing so much…Gun doesn't kill people, it's the crazy human like this guy…We could take every weapon away but people like this can get anything they want..

    My condolences to the family..

  8. right wing = focuses on transgender
    left wing = focuses on gun
    reality = it's neither the gun or gender, it's the person pulling the trigger and the WHY.
    no more no less.
    stop coming after our weapons for defense.

  9. It wasn't made overtly clear that the shooter's autopsy revealed that in the moments prior to being shot and killed, she had in fact experienced acute diarrhoea.
    This progressed to explosive loss of her full bowels upon life extinct.

  10. I’m so tired of this school shooting!! There’s been too many! I’m so sorry for the family/friends who loss their love ones! 😔

    Thank you police officers for your service

  11. One trans person does a shooting and all these people come out hating on trans people. I'll start questioning when there are more trans shooters.


    2 the kids and teachers who passed away we have nothing but love for you.

  13. What a weakling, probably played video games. She's walking around as if she's something to fear. Picking on the vulnerable to carry out her distorted sick plan. She was only as strong as her weapons. What a PIG.

  14. At the very end of video there are two things that bug me. Pay attention to a wall hanging on the right. The light changes instantly on it and at the same time a basket or box appears out of then air. I don’t know what the source video looked like and why it is different from this version but these two anomalies are without a doubt proof that the video has been edited! Sometimes I believe this little weird accidental showing of strange occasions, and unexplained events surrounding mass shooter events is a form of social gaslighting! ,


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