In this video, we take a look at a clip of the late Dr. Myles Monroe as he explains EXACTLY who are the ones who have shaped …


  1. Oh Duane this was a mouthful and I heard Myles Munroe speak on this before, but see it more clearly now. I laid the Bible down and pick up other books to open my mind to something else other than the control of the Bible. Change had to come

  2. I totally needed this bcuz I bought in2 the 'some day' thing yrs ago…*& I still say '1day when we leave here' way way 2 much…the programming is real! (& we've been out of re lie legion 10+ yrs) thank you 4 what you do!

  3. Great video. I was just telling my nephew this in a way. When I was saying I'm not with the passive Christian approach. He thought I was trippin but I have a richer grasp on history and kingdoms, so I view things from that perspective. Good video bro

  4. Thanks for the video. My husband and I recognize all of this and we are also teaching our children about it. However, I’m having mixed feelings about some things. While I would love for my children to meet and fall in love with someone from their culture, I know that in todays world interracial mixing is glorified. How do you’ll talk to your children about these things ? Is it the love who loves you no matter race or is it the stick with your own kind ? Which in some cases may not be good.

  5. Miles Monroe was an awesome teacher.. however Some of Your statements are not true , I suggest you research and look at the old maps of Africa, you can connect the names to south Africa. Names has been changed or the maps in the 17 & 18 hundreds by the Colonizers and the true names are written in the ancient maps the original name has been translated and were written in Hebrews first the Greek and Latin.
    The true place on the ancient maps gives you a rich History and tells you where in The south Africa is where Mt Zion using the bible.
    The original people and oldest people came from South Africa and not Egypt.
    The Bible has been translated so you would not know where we you come from until you study and read the original cannon which the bible was creates from
    Stop reading the fake Bibles and start researching. The Bible is our history book and the migration patterns does not start from Rome but the original man started in South Africa. You need to sit down with the elders of the land in South Africa and allow them to enlighten you on the origins of the first man Shalom be bless.😊

  6. The issue I had with Myles Munroe is he denied the Blood of Jesus being the basis for salvation to non believers. Look it up. There are videos of him telling people not to tell nonbeleivers about the Blood, as "Dont nobody wanna hear that." He was very wrong for that. He had some good messages, but a lot of it was prideful and denied the power of Jesus Christ's Blood being the covering that was needed for all sins.

  7. Probably why they unalived him in that fake plane crash πŸ€”. They dont want us to understand that we are living under the old roman empire,and for us to rise up against the system. APPARENTLY, a well known white evangelist told him that he was the people's of the book before he passed. I think it was oral roberts. I just dont understand why these people just want repent

  8. Why not just watch the real video yall not really hip too him smh been hip since 2014 everybody called him a prosperity speaker now everyone wanna act like they support his teaching smh y'all be getting them views just putting him up or talking about him

  9. The Torah was not written by no greeks or romans. This sounds like some oral African folklore. Miles has many points but brother commentating is spreading undocumented dialog. Read Hebrews to Negroes to grasp the Truth!!!

  10. Myles Monroe was a WOLF of the worst order. A false teacher who brought reproach on the name of CHRIST! He was certainly no man of GOD! I doubt that he is anywhere near heaven!


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