This an I need A Word Original Production Check out this Book by Dr Myles Munroe Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage- …


  1. Amen,love your neighbour as you do yourself,haha ain’t that the truth.scripture said that Jesus was interrupted by his disciples concerning his mother and his brothers,answer?who is his mother and his brothers? I guess he was saying those who are willing to listen to him pointing to the crowd.just thinking your family is your worst adversary,remember that scripture?funny that.bless you all.

  2. As for me: NO love, NO marriage… I can be friends, business partners, etc… without being in a marriage. Nor would his personal private life concern me, nor mine him. But if we became married, then everything to do with him would concern me as if he were myself… Although he can freely come and go as he pleased, he'd need to keep in mind that his actions affect my life as well! So if he wouldn't do it to my face, then don't do it behind my back, just as he'd expect of me…

  3. Life saving message on building healthy life long satisfying relationships..Thank u Dr.Munroe for the tremendous wisdom,raw truth,skills, attitudes and pure knowledge on how to literally build a beautiful,long lasting marriage…I submit millions across the world should listen intently repeatedly to this message..I've personally had this same outlook Dr.Munroe has so powerfully taught..God truly inspired this man wt respect to this message.. thank u to whomever posted this

  4. There was a song in the sixties the lyrics said love will keep us together and people took hit and ran with that , but hey it doesn't work aloaf of bread by itself only works for a little while later on you will need something else to along ith that bread so it is with love. Love simply is not w

  5. Wow this was such incredible message on this topic, I just wish had obtain this kinda of wisdom long time ago before I got married. I probably wouldn't did it this makes lot of sense because this kinda of wisdom help marriage stay together if you apply it, especially if get know a person on every level mentally, emotionally, spiritually not going by their outer appearance only because looks are so deceiving. I appreciate a man like Dr Miles Monroe teaching he was on different level, everyone wasn't ready for him teaching because he didn't sugar coated nothing when came to the word of God, we definitely needed more men's of God like him .

  6. This man destroyed many women and turned them into heartless money magnet. Women have lost all motivation to love their husband today; they get married to men they don't love and after betray those men. That attitude has been encouraged by these kind of wrong teachings based almost entirely on the old testament and lacking of the fundamental values of the new covenant:
    And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

    1 Corinthians 13:13 – NKJV

    Love is the most important thing in the new covenant unlike n the old covenant. Anything that's done without love does not glorify God.
    1 Corinthians 13 mks us understand that no matter what we do, if we don`t have love, we gain nothing. In order words what we do is useless before God.
    That`s why we are commended to do everything in love.
    1 Corinthians 16:14 NKJV

    14 Let all that you do be done with love.

    Marriage was created to glorify God by demonstrating God`s love; that is bearing fruits for the glory of God.
    Marriage is in the image of salvation. They are both covenant. the first is a natural covenant, the second is a spiritual covenant. And the natural covenant is in the image of the spiritual covenant. In the same way that Christ loved the Church or the believer so much and laid down his life for them as an example for them to follow, the husband have to aim to love his wife so much and lay down figuratively his life for her as an example for the wife to follow.
    It`s only the relationships based on true love that God blesses because they are the relationships that glorify him.

    Stop listening to false teachers; wolves in religious pulpits who damage women and relationships. The confirmation are the poor family and relationship statistics in black american communities. Many of those victims swear by these types of teachings. But they are in crisis. Black America has some of the highest rate of divorce and single mothers households in the whole world.

    Watch out for wolves!!!!

  7. What would be the laws and contracts in the methapore of the oven? A bad gas intake to the burners? bad wood or coal? Or a wasted guarantee that it unishes the user instead of throwing to the trashcan the bad oven?

  8. If you love him, but can't live with him, then that's not love. That means you never really loved the person from the beginning. 1 Corithians 13:7-8, Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,endures all things.
    8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.

  9. Love alone is not enough in marriage, yes. In accordance with this word and proverbs 24:3-4 I bind my marriage with my godly spouse to be build upon godly wisdom, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah, thank you God!


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