Dr. Myles Munroe was a prominent false teacher in the word of faith movement before his death in an air plane crash. Myles …


  1. I believe, he's saying that Satan wants you to do something good, something that appears good, but it's always a hidden agenda behind it.. Just like I read about the people that were supposedly feeding the homeless, but they were doing it just for the pictures and then they took all the food back.. Google it you'll find out who I'm talking about

  2. If you think about what he's saying it's not wrong, Satan can quote scriptures but he quotes half truth. I believe he's not talking about someone who is serving him already but someone who maybe known as a good Christian, reads his bible faithfully like clock work, quote scriptures, goes to church faithfully and etc, this person may feel they're doing good things and you repeatedly do these things without missing a day and so we can get so caught up in doing good things but do you really have a relationship with TMH? Another example when you are asked in the church to do different jobs and the next thing you know your're so caught up in doing good things or deeds u lose sight of what things truly matter, for instance if your married and u get so caught up in your church activities you start to neglect your family. so I do agree with him on getting caught up in doing good things. The wise thing would be to seek TMH if this good thing aligns with his will for you in doing this thing. The most important thing is to be in the will of TMH.

  3. He’s talking about how intentions start off good but the devil leads u on a false path filled with one truth and a whole bucket of lies which u think u on a righteous path because of that 1 truth!!! But really u on a path of sin 😶‍🌫️🫥

  4. Anyone apart from Christ is storing up wrath, and the horror of the second death is beyond comprehension…… but I’m almost 10000000% positive good deeds are not part of the devils game plan, I’m sure miles would now agree

  5. What Dr. Munroe is saying is being miss guided by your context. What you’re saying isn’t what he is saying. I get what you’re saying about Dr. Munroe is talking about being pre occupied by good things is satans most successful strategy as being wrong. But that’s not what I got from that statement at all. And I have listen to the entire message over and over. Just like you’re persuading ppl with your context either I go with what you’re saying or i don’t is up to me. No trying to bash or be disrespectful. I just didn’t interpret what he was saying the way you did. Be blessed

  6. I think what Dr Miles means by "good things" is things that aren't evil. Things in our lives that need to be done. A mother can wake up and start looking after the kids and putting the house in order after the kids have left for sch. The devil keeps showing her how much work she has to keep her away from praying and being in the word. NB strategy and temptation are to different things. Once he has been able to keep you away from the word and prayer, then he begins to tempt you. Dr Miles cannot confuse strategy and temptation or mission. Devil tempting us to sin is his mission, that's what he lives for. But he has a strategy in place that enables him to do his mission

  7. He means satan keeps us distracted or preoccupied with things we think are good physically, but doesn't mean it is righteous with the Most High. When the anti-christ comes he is not coming to teach against GOD he is coming instead of. Satan does not want what he already has, he wants the followers of the Most High, and what better way to do this than to make you think you are doing something you think is good. Everyone is not supposed to be teaching.

  8. Miles doesn't make light of Christ, but the Kingdom message was the only message Christ preached. Read the gospels for yourself and see. 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all its Righteousness…" Jesus Christ get us into the Kingdom….Also do not just listen to one message…

  9. you are reaching on this one. He is clearly speaking about distractions the ones that keep us away form God even when at the right time they are good to do. i.e. going to the park when you should be studying to keep up with the blessings God gave you and priorities

  10. We don't know what good is…. for example if a group of us got together to try to save Jesus from dying on the cross today it would seem like we're doing something good but in reality we would've been doing something demonic and evil remember he called peter the devil and judas a freind,this teaching is actually based on scripture because Jesus himself told us we do not know what Good is when that very wealthy man came to him and asked him how to inherit the kingdom…. this message is not misguided it just needs more context.

  11. No, I get what he's saying. It's true. For example planned Parenthood, another example Elon Musk everything about him seems good but he wants to chip everybody mark of the beast will always come as a savior do good things to win your free will over know your enemy inside out. Bill gates with the vaccines.. seemed like a good thing right? They all come with good things to win human beings over but take a closer look, behind the scenes evil agendas hidden everywhere. So I know what the man is saying, he's right. Take care and God bless you all.

  12. Vanity things. Work for money, Clothes, property, cars e.t.c….. but The Devil he will never lead you to do the things GOD wills for your life and his purpose for his kingdom.

    For example. Try praying try praying for hours a week seeking GOD will. And observe the amount of good vanity deeds the Devil will flood your mind with. Let me go eat, let me go watch tv, his favorite one let me rest then continue with my prayers.😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️🫂.
    That’s what Myles Monroe is talking about.
    Vanity good things. GOD BLESS❤️

  13. I feel so sorry for you son, you are complete misunderstanding what he is saying, and because of your ignorance of the Word you are judging a man of God. Read this text and see if you get it? CORINTHIANS 11:14
    "And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" HE WILL SHOW YOU SOMETHING THAT LOOKS VERY NICE AND SHINING AND APPARENTLY GOOD BUT IT'S NOT GOOD LIKE HE DID WITH EVE.
    Son you need to back to Sunday school before getting into judging a man of God like Dr. Miles Monroe. Shame on you my dear novice, knee down and ask God for forgiveness.

    "Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses" 1 Timoty 5:19.

  14. Myles has a point! The first 2 temptations the devil used against Jesus were seemingly harmless acts. This is his mental manipulation and conditioning process. Once he is successful with that, then he has your confidence and then later reveals his true intent. The 3rd temptation was to bow down and worship him. The first 2 temptations seemed harmless. Ever read about David numbering the children of Israel because Satan tempted him? God asked other men at other times to number the people. On this occasion it was wrong and many lost their life because of it.

  15. I disagree with you about Dr. Myles Munroe. What I'm hearing here is that you think you know better than Dr. Myles Monroe. I can't believe you said "as usual Dr. Myles is inventing a theology based on his own misguided understanding and .not based on Scripture".


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